

What happened to Mercedes?

When Mercedes first came out, wasn't she like, top tier for awhile? I remember tons of posts on basil, about how OP she was before we got her. Now she's like, the lowest. How did that happen? I don't remember any huge nerf for her, although it may have happened while i was away..but if that's not the case, is it because all the other classes were revamped while she was left in the dust? o.o

May 3, 2013

22 Comments • Newest first


@Iwannafmydad: No, you were just pointing out your perspective on a forum lol. We just happen to disagree. On the bright side, if the cap gets increased we will both agree no matter what in the future.

Reply May 3, 2013

[quote=Iwannafmydad]Again, you're assuming that everyone hits cap. I'm comparing this overall
Aka: I'm comparing this via clean/funded etc..
I'm comparing this with overall use such as mobbing and bossing.[/quote]

Yes, not everyone can, but there are class with low funding that hit cap early which by default gives Mercs a compettivei advantage. MMs are ranked as one of the top dpmers right now, yet a person with a 70k range would be doing the same damage as a person with a 700k range. Not everyone can hit cap, but the way ALOT of classes are built they can. F/P, I/L, Evans, MMs, Shads, etc etc. They reach thier limit early while the Mercs damage just keeps going up because its dps is more based on hits and low %. I you want to compare a completely naked person thats you, but I am actually making the assumptiong that the person has decvent tempest/empress equips tbh.

Once agian, what your saying applies to unlimited IF the cap is raised.


Uh, no, pretty sure Paralyze isn't the best otion in a cap enviorment at all. I don't know if you are just saying random stuff . I already stated before if you start talking ranges you don't know what your talking about. A Mercs range would naturally be higher than most classes with equal funding. Ranges and actual output are two different things. So w/e your trying to say is already wrong.

and its a shame if where you grow up people don't know the definition of a group in comparison to a person.

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

@bluebomber24: ...don't forget an F/P mage can spam Paralyze and still do a heap more dmg than merc. Evan needs about 100k+ range to hit cap, the average Evan player (being a mage) will have about 50-60k range funding. Even if we were to get a 100k+ range Evan and a Merc with the same funding (would be about 140k buffed range), the Merc will need to go to about 280k range to out dmg an Evan since they literally do 2x their dmg. I don't care if it's easier to reach max, the fact stands that no averagely funded Merc can ever be near a top tier class. So stop bringing up the argument that it's getting easier for people to fund and get more dmg. Also, where I live, EVERYONE considers saying 'being the top' as being the no.1

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

@Iwannafmydad: Uh, no, again your ignoring the cap limitation that is currently in place. Once again, what you are stating applies AFTER Unlimited assuming we get a cap increase.

Edit: If I am not mistaken BaMs and Shadowers easily cap, which would be more examples of how the cap limiation affects them.

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

@Iwannafmydad: That is right when Unlimited hits it is not, which I already stated potentially could happen and illustrated why. Right now, it is. I said it is a top class I did not compare to a specific class becuase it is unecesary. Ok, not even looking at charts [b]pre-unlimited[/b] you said Kaiser/ab/DS. So what, 3 classes. I said Merc are top which last I check is top 10 or if you are strict top 5. Once again, as long as the cap exists Mercs is a top class, go look at the freaking dojos.

@MyTiramisu: AGAIN, because of hypers peple are reaching thier maxes alot faster. Heck bevfore hypers an unfunded f/p and evan could decently hit cap. Therfore they are hindered regardless of funding as the Mercs damage contiues to increase. Top of your class means your in the upper percentile, not that necceisarily that you are #1.

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

@bluebomber24: I am the top of my class. I am a top tier student. There is a huge difference. So getting 200k range is not hard now? I said on average, people do not have these sorts of funds, most people will barely go past 60k-80k range by lvl 180+ so Merc having the potential to out dmg classes doesn't apply for most of maple.

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

@MyTiramisu: Same difference. Top does not mean THE BEST PERIOD it means [b]one[/b] of THE BEST. And again, not a a lot of funding is neccessary as I already stated before.

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

@bluebomber24: You said top not top tier but w/e. On average people don't have enough funding to hit that sort of dmg as a Merc hence, still weak.

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

@Iwannafmydad: With the cap removed ppl can break there limits and thus Mercs get left behind. I am not comparing Merc to ANY specific class so I don't even know where the hell your going with this. All I am saying is while you have classes that are hindered by the cap like MMs are, a Merc is still a top class. Also, Mercs naturally have a higher range because of its buffs, so I am not sure why you are even bringing ranges into this as it reveals nothing at all. [b]AGAIN,[/b] there is a reason why BMs and Mercs are currently one of the top dojoers.

@MyTiramisu Top tier does not mean THE #1 best -_- So no, that is not an implication, that is you mistunderstanding the meaning of top tier.

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

[quote=bluebomber24]Uh, [b]She still is at the top[/b] o.o, only Unlimited has the potential to hurt her. I am not sure about other servers, but in Windia BMs and Mercs are the Lords of Dojo.

Mercs probaly got like a teensy nerf in the past, I don't remember, I quit a little while after its release but in general Archers tend to get buffed and not nerfed. So, if it is a class you love, play it. You might realize that it is actually not as bad as ppl claim it to be or maybe you will but the fun factor will outweigh all. She gets revamped in the future and I am pretty positive she will even more. With GMS starting to do things differently from KMS, ANYTHING can happen.[/quote]

Yeah ... that kinda implies that you think she is the best ...

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

@bluebomber24: Well, atm BaM's, Kaisers, AB can still beat Merc even with cap. Anyhow Merc will have to hit about 300k-500k a line to start beating other classes with an average of about 10-12 hits a second, which to me is...really, really funded.

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

Almost every class rebalancing patch that has come out since legends has nerfed mercedes slightly. The nerfs just accumulated over time and mercs are now where they are. Even with alot of funding, you wont be able to match other classes like kaiser who has half the funds you do.

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

[quote=MyTiramisu]@the person saying Merc is top, he meant only for those hitting cap i.e the 'pros'. Realistically, they were well above average when she was released but not OP, they just found her OP because she hit so many times giving her the potential to top every class. She received some small nerfs as well having pretty meh hypers whilst other classes got revamped and most got pretty decent hypers so yeah ... she just got left behind.[/quote]

I don't think the Merc actually has to hit the cap because other classes will reach cap before her and thus be limited, so I don't think you need to be THAT funded.

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

Well I mean if you have the funds to hit cap, you'd still be top tier. Everything in this game is about funds anyways, I don't see why everyone's bashing on mercs considering archers dominate dojo.

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

@the person saying Merc is top, he meant only for those hitting cap i.e the 'pros'. Realistically, they were well above average when she was released but not OP, they just found her OP because she hit so many times giving her the potential to top every class. She received some small nerfs as well having pretty meh hypers whilst other classes got revamped and most got pretty decent hypers so yeah ... she just got left behind.

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

[quote=Cloudshadowv]I would love to see Mercedes at the top again. That goes for all heroes actually. I mean...aren't they HEROES? Shouldn't they be the strongest?[/quote]
Nope. NX makes people stronger.

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

Uh, She still is at the top o.o, only Unlimited has the potential to hurt her. I am not sure about other servers, but in Windia BMs and Mercs are the Lords of Dojo.

Mercs probaly got like a teensy nerf in the past, I don't remember, I quit a little while after its release but in general Archers tend to get buffed and not nerfed. So, if it is a class you love, play it. You might realize that it is actually not as bad as ppl claim it to be or maybe you will but the fun factor will outweigh all. She gets revamped in the future and I am pretty positive she will even more. With GMS starting to do things differently from KMS, ANYTHING can happen.

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

I would love to see Mercedes at the top again. That goes for all heroes actually. I mean...aren't they HEROES? Shouldn't they be the strongest?

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

She loves her naps. It's so warm and cosy in Elluel.

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

Explorers were revamped, Heroes weren't changed that much.

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited

Everyone was revamped and Mercedes got left behind.

Reply May 3, 2013 - edited