

General Chat

100 Gift Card Apple what do i get? Entering college this fall, quarter system kids where you at. Anyway I bought a Mac Pro, don't argue about laptops here lul, but you get a $100 gift card. Was wondering what to get with it. I was considering buying an iPod Touch and spending another 100, or getting an external hard drive but I'm not sure which one. Also you can't use it for iTunes unfortunately. If you got a Mac for college with this promotion, what'd you spend the gift card on?

General Chat

Bowling guides/tips/advice? Hey guys I suck at bowling :3 My friends are going later today and it's one of our friends last week here in the US so she wanted to try and I need some tips please. I'm left handed but I typically play most sports right handed so I'm not even sure which hand to swing with. And what weight bowling ball are you supposed to use? My problem is typically when I bowl right handed, the ball trails off to the right side gutter so I won't hit anything. Can anyone give me some pointers for this?

General Chat

Uc Prompt 1 Describe your world help So the prompt is as follows Describe the world you come from -- for example, your family, community or school -- and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations. I know what I'm going to write about - choir and the experiences I had. Problem is, I can't really say how it shaped my dreams and aspirations since I don't know what I want to do but I was thinking of psychology or business major but it's still up in the air. Any advice?

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