

Which explorer thief is best

Hey, so at the moment im working on funding my night lord, but im constantly wondering... which thief is best at bossing?
in terms of DPS and actual efficiency? of course night lord is best for gollux, no doubt, but for other bosses

I dont plan on switching to db/shad for a while yet, but if i ever get bored haha

Ive mained all 3 at some point in time.

I keep hearing Shadower has the best dps, then best dps only at cap, then not even at cap, and all other claims

for the record, i plan on sitting around 1m -1.2m probably on my thief.

I never understood how which is best ever changes other than at cap. why would shadower be best at low funds, 2nd med funds, and best cap funded?

December 27, 2014

8 Comments • Newest first


[quote=fernandpro2m2m]Best is pro nl2m2m like me, can solo Dorothy
U 2m2m? U not, need 30% stats servise? wisp darkgodiuck BERA me sell cheap 2m2m servise 420b o3o[/quote]

2m-2m service for only 420b is actually a great deal. To bad iWindia.

Reply December 27, 2014 - edited

[quote=fernandpro2m2m]Best is pro nl2m2m like me, can solo Dorothy
U 2m2m? U not, need 30% stats servise? wisp darkgodiuck BERA me sell cheap 2m2m servise 420b o3o[/quote]

o.o o.o

Reply December 27, 2014 - edited

i would say night lord with some funds. i main a db right now, and if i wasnt a shadower in the first place, i wouldve mained a diff adventurer class lol

Reply December 27, 2014 - edited

[quote=fernandpro2m2m]Best is pro nl2m2m like me, can solo Dorothy
U 2m2m? U not, need 30% stats servise? wisp darkgodiuck BERA me sell cheap 2m2m servise 420b o3o[/quote]

o.o o.o

Reply December 27, 2014 - edited

@fernandpro2m2m: god your grammar..... i swear you sound like someone on the phone trying to sell me something stupid like toner....

I'd recommend either shad or NL, shad if you're not funded and want to deal large amounts of damage, or a NL if you want something with range. DB's are somewhat great, fast hits, heaps of lines, but unless you have more than 200b to spend on this game, I'd recommend choosing either of the other two thief job branches

Reply December 27, 2014 - edited

Best is pro nl2m2m like me, can solo Dorothy
U 2m2m? U not, need 30% stats servise? wisp darkgodiuck BERA me sell cheap 2m2m servise 420b o3o

Reply December 27, 2014 - edited

Well, for low funded shads there's assassinate and bstep which have high % but not so many hits

Then it goes on to carnival edge which has many hits with a moderate %

Then when you have sold your house, your lung, your kidney, your soul, and your car, you can hit cap on each of the 25 (30 with a hyper) lines of meso explosion

EDIT: Also, this thread may or may not contain bias.

Reply December 27, 2014 - edited

NL is the best. At every boss. Period. Not only do they out DPS the other 2, but they are also ranged which makes them able to function in multiple situations. NL are the equivalent to a machine gun whereas DB and Shad are equivalent to, well, a knife...

Reply December 27, 2014 - edited