

How are Dark Knights these days?

I was thinking to make an Dark Knight, because they seem like a very fun class to play with, and you don't have to smash your keyboards like what Aran's do, but should I make one?
Are they still viable today? I do know that they can boss somewhat decently and their mobbing is alright.
What's one cool thing about Dark Knight's?

June 15, 2015

9 Comments • Newest first


@Itachi9821: I'm very much at the joking side of things when it comes to people asking about joining the brother(&sister)hood of Dark Knights, yes.

Reply June 16, 2015

@Itachi9821 <---- Pretty much what this guy said. Nailed it right to the bone. <3

Reply June 16, 2015

I hope the dude above me is joking. Compared to the other classes, we are probably one of the only classes that actually got a buff. We literally gained 2 lines of damage on our MAIN bossing skill even though it does a little less damage. Capping still won't be too hard and once you do, that's literally an increase from 8 capping lines to 10 capping lines.

Training will be the only struggle but we get some attack range increase on our dark impale! We get reduced cast delay on our sacrifice (you'll understand how awesome this is since this skill takes like forever to cast). I just want to say that we are a VERY one dimensional class. If you're looking for a flashy class, this is not your class.

We are great bossers in my opinion. Even though you have to wait a bit between each sacrifice, our gungnir descent has built in 30% PDR. I have 50% buff duration, mechanics character card and Mercedes card and only wait around 6-7 seconds between each cast of sacrifice. What I usually do is wait for beholder to cast the buff that gives us wep attack AND 10% crit between each sacrifice. Even though we would benefit from attack speed, keeping buff duration also greatly contributes to your damage as a longer sacrifice duration is more damage than your 6 line dark impale. This means if you can't get legendary inner ability, sticking with 20%-25% buff duration at epic is a very viable amount until you can afford more funding.

We have a drain skill which comes in super helpful in training and bossing. In bosses that limit your potion consumption like magnus and gollux, we don't need to worry about losing all of our up. Note doing hellux on dark knight is a huge struggle and I still can't do it all the time.

Our final selling point is called FINAL PACT. Let's say this is probably the only skill in this game that revives you AND gives you a duration of invincibility. When you die, you come back to life and become invincible for 25 secs (might be longer due to buff duration I think). During which you can spam your gungnir descent with NO cool down and increased damage thanks to some hyper skills. The cool down for this skill is only 6 minutes and can be shorter by 20% thanks to another hyper skill. This skill makes dark knight a very forgiving class to play. You won't believe how many bosses you can benefit from using this. Bosses like arkarium, magnus, hard hilla become a walk in the park when you have enough range. Some classes struggle with the 1 hot KO from arkarium while we tank it like a man.

Let's not forget our cross surge that increases our damage by 80% when you have max HP! This is by far one of the most OP skill in maplestory. To the point where phantoms became a very viable class thanks to stealing this skill. This is a really big reason as to why our range is so inflated compared to other classes. It is also why we do TONS OF DAMAGE (Phreak reference).

Overall we are a great class with a low damage cap ceiling. The recent kms change is a HUGE buff for us as we get more damage and reduced cast times of a lot of our skill.

TLDR: don't play dark knights if you're mainly training or looking for a flashy class. We are straight forward, easier to cap, and very forgiving to play when bossing. At the end of the day, pick any class's that suits your play style. I can ramble on how great they are, but if you can't stand their play style, it'd be a waste of time.

Reply June 16, 2015 - edited

Based on the recent KMST-patch (might change), I'd suggest staying away from such a crappy class. We get nerfed so hard into the ground, and we didn't even get the 15hit 80ms keydown-Gungnir I wanted.

Reply June 16, 2015 - edited

do you want a boring nerfed class?

Reply June 16, 2015 - edited

Ignore these people. I understand wanting to ask others for opinion. I haven't ever played DK but apparently they are number 8 in the dps chart.

Reply June 16, 2015 - edited

[quote=davndust]I've actually have made a lot of classes, I'm just a curious guy that likes to try something new. Nothing wrong with that.[/quote]

If you're that curious, I'd suggest you do your own research and come up with your own thoughts of a class. Most answers are going to be subjective, therefore it may or may not suit you in the end.

Dark Knights are viable. They're strong bossers.

Reply June 15, 2015 - edited

[quote=SlashNStab]You honestly never quit making class threads.. The amount of times you ask what to make is beyond belief..
Any damn freaking class is viable... Why even question "are they viable". I highly recommend you uninstall this game, if you have not picked a single class all these months asking..
Have you ever asked yourself "why do I play this game when I can't pick a class?"

People play a class that they enjoy most.. What makes it so hard for people like you to pick a damn class? I really don't bloody understand
Do you even end up making any single of these classes? I bet you any money, the answer is No. People who can't pick a class shouldn't even be playing this game at all..[/quote]
I've actually have made a lot of classes, I'm just a curious guy that likes to try something new. Nothing wrong with that.

Reply June 15, 2015 - edited

You honestly never quit making class threads.. The amount of times you ask what to make is beyond belief..
Any damn freaking class is viable... Why even question "are they viable". I highly recommend you uninstall this game, if you have not picked a single class all these months asking..
Have you ever asked yourself "why do I play this game when I can't pick a class?"

People play a class that they enjoy most.. What makes it so hard for people like you to pick a damn class? I really don't bloody understand
Do you even end up making any single of these classes? I bet you any money, the answer is No.

Reply June 15, 2015 - edited