

Which bowmen should I pick?

I was wondering what bowmen I should main if I were to pick one, I like Bowmaster and Mercedes but I don't really want to attempt at maining both at the same time seeing as that's pretty counter productive. Could I get some help on this descision or your input on something else? An explanation as to why I should pick the class would be helpful as well!

April 22, 2015

12 Comments • Newest first


Out of the two i've played both to 150, i've found BM the most fun. Mercs are fun and all but their play style is similar to db with spamming a lot of skills in combination. I could be biased since i've played my BM on and off since beta.

Reply April 29, 2015

Mobbing feels like the bane of my existence as a merc. It's kind of better now that I can kill mobs with Lighting Edge, but the change to spikes and the flimsiness/unreliability of stunning strikes is pretty sad. The combos don't feel that rewarding and more of a hassle. The bossing and agility is the reason I play mercs. The innate %PDR, %Boss, and %Total damage is real nice. TBH I felt extremely weak against mobs at early levels. Mobbing isn't horrendous, but it feels like trash compared to other bowmen (except maybe MM).

Reply April 24, 2015

[quote=ScrambledEgg]@Desmuse: I'd suggest Mercedes because of the peace of mind you get from not fumbling about on bosses. The exception is Gollux where turret I'm sure makes it an easier job for bowmasters although I maybe dead wrong on this considering I don't do beyond normal Gollux on my bowaster. Also as of right now there's significantly less mercedes which is a novelty factor that scores many points for me. This is assuming that mercedes training reaaallly won't bother you in the long run.[/quote]

Alright ill pick Merc then, hopefully the training won't be too bad lol.

Reply April 23, 2015

@Desmuse: I'd suggest Mercedes because of the peace of mind you get from not fumbling about on bosses. The exception is Gollux where turret I'm sure makes it an easier job for bowmasters although I maybe dead wrong on this considering I don't do beyond normal Gollux on my bowaster. Also as of right now there's significantly less mercedes which is a novelty factor that scores many points for me. This is assuming that mercedes training reaaallly won't bother you in the long run.

Reply April 23, 2015

@ScrambledEgg: I was looking for some personal experiences on how fun people thought their classes were. As I've stated before i find both classes fun and I was having a hard time deciding.

I have looked at that link in the past and I've already learned about the dps and most of the pros and cons of each class and I've chosen these two because of said pros and cons, the skill looks and how fun I was having while playing them. However as one trying to main 3 classes at a time in the past I know how counter productive I can be at funding them and limiting my amount of experience with a single class having both being spread out over the three.

Honestly the combo system of mercedes confuses me a little and BM's turrets/magic quiver and buff durations have me juggling at times which honestly makes me kinda complacent and I will sometimes forget to buff put down a turret or use magic quiver and keep up my drain when i need it the most. And while I state these cons I still have a lot of fun playing them either way.

Reply April 23, 2015

@Desmuse you can't get a straight answer because we don't know your criteria for picking between them. @athmyst posted a very useful link to help you decide what you want from your character. No answer is ever clear cut even if it's a silly game like maplestory which should be straightforward.

I'm terms of funding, you should note that mercedes weapons are much cheaper but also that much harder to find. This varies from server to server but the trend should be consistent considering Bows are used by two of the more popular bowman classes.

Damage wise, really recommend you check out that aforementioned link to see what you want.

From personal biased opinion, I main a mercedes but constantly whine about having to use combos that visually look weaker in damage (lower numbers) that I can't spam. That's just me being vain. I like mercedes bossing because of the mobility that Ishtar ring has compared to perfecting turret position and a slower moving hurricane. My bow master is significantly weaker than my mercedes so I can't say much for its potential beyond its easier to train when you don't one hit at sdh.

Reply April 23, 2015

I found both BM and Merc fun and I was having trouble picking between the two, I guess I can't really get a straight answer when everyone asks the same question in different forms...... so much for trying to get some help

Reply April 23, 2015 - edited

[quote=Piana] "which archer OMG this is some rocket science!"...[/quote]

Quote of the week.

Reply April 23, 2015 - edited

[quote=Piana]I guess archer is the most mysterious class.
No one understand them.
Most of the threads on this section is about "which archer OMG this is some rocket science!"...[/quote]
And we also have a thread like this

Reply April 23, 2015 - edited

Mercedes are pretty fun cuz of the combos and their the easiest to fund

Reply April 22, 2015 - edited

"Fun is subjective"

Reply April 22, 2015 - edited

Bowmaster just because its an original explorer and hurricane is sweet (totally not biased). Then again I think WA has a better version of hurricane.. though I may be wrong..

Reply April 22, 2015 - edited