

General Pirate

Tyrant Altair prices I've been kind of getting bored of maple, and I'm just kinda like thinking about selling my pirate tyrants. Basically, does anyone know the price on Tyrant Altair Belt/Boots? (in mesos/usd/nx, I kind of want to know the price in all types of currency) Belt is 115/112/115/116 31attack 0slots hammered twice 3enhances 3L epic 6%str 1%str neb, crappy 1L bonus pot Boots is 168/166/172/176 34 attack 0slots hammered twice 5enhances 3L epic 3%all 3%str 1%str neb, crappy 1L bonus pot I can provide screenshots later


Total Damage and Boss Damage I looked around a little to find how they worked, but I couldn't seem to find any threads. Many times, people have said that %boss or %total is less effective for jobs with high %total or it just gets less effective as you get more. I've noticed this is true to some extent. I definitely hit 500k+ on reg mobs, yet my attack doesn't cap all the time against bosses (100%pdr, 111%boss). So can anyone link me to a thread that possibly explains it all, or can someone take the time to explain it to me? thanks :)

General Gms

windia scammer of perf partisan posting on behalf of pleasinganai/striationson scammed me of my partisan;s=6 the price was 85k nx and 1b. I know there's going to be someone on this thread that's going to say you should not have gone first or you should not have sold it for nx. blah blah blah. I'm just warning you guys of this scammer so do not sell or buy anything from this guy. only reason why i trusted him was because he sold nx to some pretty well known people and his kaiser is in the guild primrose. So i traded him the partisan first for 1b and he would give me the codes. I get the 1bil then he trades me and gives me a code. The code obviously does not work but he says the person did not the scan the card. i was getting suspicious here

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