

Who still is more excited for Borderlands The Pre Sequel

over Destiny? I for one am! Something about the worlds art design, unique weapons and bosses have me waiting anxiously for this game, even during Destiny's hype. I actually still haven't even played Destiny yet. I will eventually pick it up as I heard something about it being supported for 10 years which is always a good thing, but I also have faith in Borderlands having a crap ton of DLC just like the last game. Anyone else more excited for the new Borderlands over Destiny?

September 25, 2014

11 Comments • Newest first


I'm pretty excited. Borderlands is some of the most fun I've ever had playing a game, and Destiny is not out for PC anyway.

Reply September 26, 2014

I quite enjoyed the Borderlands games up to this point... especially the story and writing of Borderlands 2. And, since Anthony Burch is head writer again, this should be pretty sweet.

The only thing that sucks is that Ashley Burch probably won't be able to reprise her role of Tiny Tina...

Reply September 26, 2014

[quote=Btnha7xMM]Hey I am curious, did you have an Evan with the ign Ness in Yellonde?[/quote]

No, but I've wanted that IGN for years.

Reply September 26, 2014

One of my favorite games of all time, really disappointed it's not on PS4... I refuse to get it for 360, so I might have to get it for PC which I don't want to do

Reply September 26, 2014

@misslime Yeah the dlc thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth too.

@Estbtnh Well I'm playing Destiny now and it's not living up to what Bungie hyped it up to be. It feels like they pulled the "this was originally part of the main game, but we took it out so we could sell it to you separately" crap that game companies have been pulling since dlc has been getting popular. Like every element of the story was purposely left vague and unexplained so they could sell us the rest of the story later. Because they said the story was going to be so great, but there's hardly a story at this point. Right now the entire plot of the game is:
"You've been dead for centuries, now you're our only hope!"
"I could tell you about our ancient enemies and the Traveler and all these enemy factions with the symbolic names... but I won't, lol."
"Rasputin something or other, now go here!"
"I literally don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain this!"
"Something something something Darkness!"
"Cliffhanger ending!"

So at this point, Bungie lost a lot of points in my book unless the rest of the story is free. So I'm more excited about Borderlands The Pre-sequel, because I at least know I'm getting a fleshed out story from day 1 and the loot system is great (although I can't really blame Bungie for that part. It's their first loot based shooter when they're used to halo which has 0 loot). The dlc in Borderlands 2 had great new gear, but it was all side stories and arenas.

Reply September 26, 2014

claptrap climbing stairs for the first time? how can u not be excited

Reply September 25, 2014

games with a ton of dlc leave a bad taste in my mouth so not really

didn't really like how there wasn't much any endgame content in bl2 if you didn't have dlc but it was fun after i got the goty edition

i might just wait until bl:tps gets a gold/goty/whatever version before getting it

Reply September 25, 2014

[quote=Btnha7xMM]Hey I am curious, did you have an Evan with the ign Ness in Yellonde?[/quote]
No, that's Cliff, but last I heard he transferred to Windia

Reply September 25, 2014

[quote=Ness]Except it's a bad game, because there aren't "a gorrilion weapons" and the artstyle is stolen.[/quote]

Hey I am curious, did you have an Evan with the ign Ness in Yellonde?

Reply September 25, 2014

[quote=Ness]Except it's a bad game, because there aren't "a gorrilion weapons" and the artstyle is stolen.[/quote]

Gear box apologized and gave credit to the creator of Codehunters.
I'm not saying what they did was right, but what they came out with turned out to be phenominal.

Reply September 25, 2014

Except it's a bad game, because there aren't "a gorrilion weapons" and the artstyle is stolen.

Reply September 25, 2014 - edited