

Is it worth it to create a bm?

title says it^

May 8, 2014

11 Comments • Newest first


Just started playin as one and im lovin it. skills are different from every other class so you dont feel over used or over powered by anyone else.
I_N_D_E_P_E_N_D_E_N_T < u know what that means

Reply May 30, 2014

[quote=Ichii]...Don't be that guy... [/quote]

[url=]Whatchu gonna do, kill me?[/url]

Reply May 18, 2014 - edited

[quote=Ness]Why would you post about Bowmaster creation in the Battle Mage forums.[/quote]

...Don't be that guy...

Reply May 17, 2014 - edited

Why would you post about Bowmaster creation in the Battle Mage forums.

Reply May 16, 2014 - edited

BaMs are a lot different than other classes, their skills are weak with finishing blow at around like 240% dmg maxed, however their real power lies in their auras, with their auras, body boost and grand light aura all being % skills you advance faster than most other classes, with the same amount of funding on my BaM and my xenon (using pirate) I have the same unbuffed range of 85k however my xenon buffed is around 100k while my BaM is 190k range.

They're also good bossers, not the best but pretty great, with battle rage not subjecting you to one single skill like most classes and blood drain helping against pot cooldowns.

Their repetition through out the jobs is annoying but not enough to quit one imo </3
and once you hit 170 having a spammable hyper will make you fall in love <3

It's all up to a matter of opinion if you like how the style works, battlemages are one of the only close range attacking mages, unlike f/p, i/l and lumi who can hit long range

Reply May 16, 2014 - edited

while their training techniques could be called repetitive, they're still pretty fun, especially with the addition of battle burst to add a little mobility to your tankmage

Reply May 10, 2014 - edited

New characters are created and deleted, but my Battle Mage is constant, loved it since creation.

Reply May 10, 2014 - edited

Define "worth it". What makes a class "worth" playing?

Why not just make one and find out if you like it. If you do like it, then, whaddya know... it's WORTH playing!

Reply May 9, 2014 - edited

BaMs are really fun, it's totally worth it

Reply May 9, 2014 - edited

why not? I mean we are a tad bit weak but who cares... we basically never die. Our DPS is high which means that Dojo is pretty easy but you will get ksed fairly easily before leevel 170

Reply May 9, 2014 - edited

They are a great class 170+, but they are kinda repetetive using the same type of skill from 10-170 until you unlock Sweeping Staff.
If you intend to get him to that level, then go for it!

Reply May 9, 2014 - edited