

LoL champion purchase decision?

Hi all,

so i just earned enough IP to either get Vayne or Brand and was wondering which champion would be the better investment to get the other. There are some pro's and con's but i wanted to ask the community which champion would be better in the long run in terms of gameplay and farming IP with in matches. So, if you guys can list below some advantages and disadvantages of both, that would be awesome~ Thanks all!


May 20, 2013

10 Comments • Newest first


[quote=NanayaRyougi]I'm going to have to disagree with AnnaDragon and yongyong139.

Vayne has a few things that not everyone will be comfortable with. Specifically, that she has less range than other Ranged AD carries. She is an amazing late game, but she suffers early compared to other Ranged Carries who can out harass you with their range. You really need to know when to risk Tumbling in for the shot to harass, or save it to get away from harassment. If you tumble and don't commit, that will be the enemies cue to chase you, because your damage amp will be gone.

When you pop her Ult, you have to be ready to abuse the Q at all times, and tumble in various directions while keeping on your target, especially if they rely on skill shots.

I'd have to say that you should wait until she comes Free week and give her a feel before you commit to a purchase on her.[/quote]

Vayne has 550 which is average for an adc.

Reply May 20, 2013

so the general concensus is vayne i hear? or are there better options? I'm mainly looking for burst or champions that can secure kills on a consistent basis or has kill potential.

Reply May 20, 2013

I hate versing both.
It depends what you like playing. AP mid or ADC.

Reply May 20, 2013

I've never played Vayne or Brand, but from what I can tell from playing against them, Vayne either gets snowballed hard or steamrolled over. Brand is just a general AP, nothing noteworthy in my opinion.

Reply May 20, 2013

Vayne is one of the best hyper carries on the games hands down. She's high risk early game but she's well worth the effort. Learn to farm and position yourself every team fight and you'll carry.

Reply May 20, 2013


Reply May 20, 2013

[quote=AnnaDragon]Vayne, an ADC, generally gets more kills, so more IP.

Don't get Brand, because in the odd case you play against me in mid, you will get slaughtered.[/quote]

You don't get IP for kills and assists. IP depends on game result (win/lose) and game length.

OT: If you buy vayne, be ready to suffer an absolutely horrendous laning phase. If you have a good support and a semi-decent jungler and can keep up in farm (d/w too much about kills at this point) you can out damage many (not all) ADC's in a teamfight. If the game goes on for longer, you will be a beast (assuming you can kite, have peel, and not too far behind). Just watch out for assassins like zed, talon, akali, and kha'zix. If the enemy gets to you and kills you instantly in a late game teamfight, the fight is as good as lost.

If you buy brand...well I don't play much brand so I can't tell you how he is in laning phase. In teamfights, after you get your full combo off, if you survive a bit longer, try to use a few more skills but you're pretty much done after that. Your damage is most relevant in midgame but like most AP mids, your damage isn't much compared to an ADC late game. (Ryze, Karthus, Cassiopeia are exceptions).

Personally, for an ADC I would go for Caitlyn and for mids, I usually play AD mids but Katarina and Karthus are pretty fun.

Reply May 20, 2013

I would choose Brand.

Reply May 20, 2013

Brand requires you to hit a skill shot to set off the combo vayne is left click all day, and the occasional q, r

Reply May 20, 2013

Vayne, an ADC, generally gets more kills, so more IP.

Don't get Brand, because in the odd case you play against me in mid, you will get slaughtered.

Reply May 20, 2013