
Santa Box fixed?

Was wondering if Nexin fixed the santa boxes (coins) or if they gave it a new cap? Haven't patched yet cux Nexin took my motivation. Thx guys!

December 18, 2015

11 Comments • Newest first


@garrettshot: Yeah, I noticed that
@crotchy: If you start today, from today to the ending of santa boxes x90/e (if you do daily), you'll have 1170 and with pepe boxes x60/e till the end of it, you'll have 2460. If you include hot time and hot week, adding everything all together (except attendance since idk if you missed any days), the total by the ending of the reboot coin shop would be

1,170 + 2,460 + hot time x50 + hot week x100 = 3,780

Say you did sizzling santa from now to the 30th (daily gift of x15 coins) and also got everything on attendance x180 coins

Add it all up
And you'll have 4,155 (if you don't buy anything either)

Reply December 18, 2015

hopefully i can get 3k on my kinesis

Reply December 18, 2015

90 a day from the santa boxes (only takes about 200 boxes now), and 60 a day from the blue boxes (takes around 150 of them). With the events and such, I think its possible to hit 3k (especially if you get the attendance coins and other event-related coins on one char)

Reply December 18, 2015

@bootycake: I'm not sure of the cap values for the boxes; what's the cap for each type and if you start today how many coins can you get solely from boxes?

Reply December 18, 2015

@lemasnatorme: Play everyday, spend as much as you can, or so Nexon's motto goes

Reply December 18, 2015

@bootycake: In the shop the android says, "Purchaseable until 2016-1-27" just something to worry about

Reply December 18, 2015

@bootycake: Oh I didn't realise Pepe boxes lasted until the 27th...Thanks! Time to start saving up.

Reply December 18, 2015

@lemasnatorme: You can. I did the math.. Santa boxes end on December 30th and the last day for pepe boxes is January 27th. If you start now, you'll have more than enough.

Reply December 18, 2015

I hope they remove the cap ):<
I spent all my coins on about 70 10-slot chair bags because there was nothing to buy with there's a cap and there's no possible way for me to get 3k coins before the event ends >.<

Reply December 18, 2015

@iamaurian: I see, so they fixed the 2, 3 and 5 coin part...but is there still a cap? Thx.

Reply December 18, 2015 - edited

The boxes give bunches of coins again, like 2, 3, and 5, but I think there may also be a cap of (maybe) 90

Reply December 18, 2015 - edited