

I cant stand it when people

tells me how to build my champion. I'm dominating man.... just chill im 21/8/3 alistar baby.. I do more ad damage than our carry... chilll

September 23, 2015

11 Comments • Newest first


if our top lane dealt less damage than me on thresh then something is wrong[/quote]

For sure! If that's the case then it's really black and white but that's a scenario everyone can agree with. There's a lot of times when for example my Twisted Fate is arguing with Riven during a losing game and lets say the only lane that won is top lane. Riven tp'd to a couple lanes and secured some kills, stole the enemy jungle's top side camps but it was just one of those unwinnable games. Every time Riven goes in she just insta dies because she's a melee/front line champion and the other 4 enemy champions are fed. Post game pops up and Twisted Fate brags about how much higher his damage is than Riven when in reality Twisted Fate did more damage because he had plenty of time to poke with minuscule amount of damage overtime but had no real impact on the game. Another one I see often is adc is fighting with the support who's playing Annie or like Zyra and post game pops up, support mentions how much more damage he did when the "support" just builds full ap. Those are just examples off the top of my head but there's a lot of niche scenarios like 2 nights ago when I was Sivir vs an ahead enemy team that had Malphite, Braum, Yasuo and apparently I was boosted because I had the least amount of damage. Was really not fun.. shields, attack speed slows and armor ate everything.

@breakerz Same

Reply September 24, 2015

[quote=halfway]I can't stand it when supports just roam to roam, supports are the most guilty of this. I can't stand it when someone starts to trash talk, gets trash talked back to then acts like the victim. I can't stand people who say they're being camped when they've been ganked 1 time after being solo killed in lane twice. I can't stand when someone first times a champ in ranked. I can't stand when the person on the enemy team that gets carried starts trash talking. I can't stand when people use the amount of damage they've dealt as proof of how useful they were in said game. I can't stand that I'm stuck in plat 1-2 which disallows me to get diamond so I can quit this stupid game.

Yeah, I can't stand a lot of things.[/quote]

I cant stand being stuck in bronze despite that fact I belong in challenger but my teammates just hold me back.

Reply September 24, 2015

i play smite

Reply September 24, 2015

stick it 2 em

Reply September 24, 2015

senpai pls carry

Reply September 23, 2015

[quote=halfway]I can't stand it when supports just roam to roam, supports are the most guilty of this. I can't stand it when someone starts to trash talk, gets trash talked back to then acts like the victim. I can't stand people who say they're being camped when they've been ganked 1 time after being solo killed in lane twice. I can't stand when someone first times a champ in ranked. I can't stand when the person on the enemy team that gets carried starts trash talking. I can't stand when people use the amount of damage they've dealt as proof of how useful they were in said game. I can't stand that I'm stuck in plat 1-2 which disallows me to get diamond so I can quit this stupid game.

Yeah, I can't stand a lot of things.[/quote]

if our top lane dealt less damage than me on thresh then something is wrong

Reply September 23, 2015

cant milk those

Reply September 23, 2015

I can't stand it when supports just roam to roam, supports are the most guilty of this. I can't stand it when someone starts to trash talk, gets trash talked back to then acts like the victim. I can't stand people who say they're being camped when they've been ganked 1 time after being solo killed in lane twice. I can't stand when someone first times a champ in ranked. I can't stand when the person on the enemy team that gets carried starts trash talking. I can't stand when people use the amount of damage they've dealt as proof of how useful they were in said game. I can't stand that I'm stuck in plat 1-2 which disallows me to get diamond so I can quit this stupid game.

Yeah, I can't stand a lot of things.

Reply September 23, 2015 - edited

That's fine and all but that means you aren't really getting your ADC fed. Kind of like every support Nidalee or Lux that rushes rab cap.

Reply September 23, 2015 - edited

i once met a kat on the enemy team who rushed mejais and was 0/4 at the time.
I typed in all chat, "why the hekc are you gettting a mejais when you are o/4?" enemy team responded by saying don't bash other peoples builds.

At the end of the game she had a fully stacked mejais with a full build and hard carried that team.

Reply September 23, 2015 - edited

wow ur gud playr

Reply September 23, 2015 - edited