

Are 1hshields only better if youre funded?

In what cases are they better? I'd probably pump ~10 bil into my hero. Dunno if that's enough to get a nice shield and sword along with other stuff.

December 15, 2014

11 Comments • Newest first


Additionally, you can enhance shields for extra stats.

Reply December 17, 2014

going 1H + shield is not a terrible idea cause it gives you slightly more speed to dodge if you're bossing.

Reply December 17, 2014

Going the one-handed weapon and shield route in general is a lot more expensive than going the two-handed weapon and secondary weapon route, but it offers more benefits in the longrun, if you can afford to go that direction. The best shield available currently is Terminus Shield, which is rare and very expensive, and can fetch upwards of 2b or more for an clean shield, but the positive is that is offers the highest available potential stats.

Reply December 16, 2014 - edited

Its easier and faster to react to %hp attacks that end game bosses use with a 1h sword, and its also quicker to recover buffs after dying in something like magnus.

Reply December 16, 2014 - edited

[quote=cb000]The green potion lets all further speed boosts to go beyond the cap.[/quote]

Ah, I see, thanks for clarifying . Recently I've been inclined with bowman classes most of which have set attacking speeds (since hurricane like attacks have a set speed not including the cast speed) so I've been quite a bit out of the loop with how heroes are doing

Reply December 16, 2014 - edited

[quote=betaboi101]I thought only a green pot can break the speed cap while the other two can only go to faster 2? In other words, a 1 h would go to faster 1 while a two h ryudes sword would end up at faster 2 (though with regular si or a battle mages buff, the ryudes sword can also reach faster 1).[/quote]

The green potion lets all further speed boosts to go beyond the cap.

Reply December 16, 2014 - edited

[quote=cb000]@above: With DSI+Green+IA a 1h user in GMS can reach the hard speed cap of 0, while a 2h user can only reach speed 1. In KMS a Ryudes is undoubtedly better because the speed cap of 2 cannot be broken.[/quote]

I thought only a green pot can break the speed cap while the other two can only go to faster 2? In other words, a 1 h would go to faster 1 while a two h ryudes sword would end up at faster 2 (though with regular si or a battle mages buff, the ryudes sword can also reach faster 1).

Reply December 16, 2014 - edited

@above: With DSI+Green+IA a 1h user in GMS can reach the hard speed cap of 0, while a 2h user can only reach speed 1. In KMS a Ryudes is undoubtedly better because the speed cap of 2 cannot be broken.

Reply December 16, 2014 - edited

I honestly don't see the point of using one handed swords now a days. The multiplier with two handed swords are quite a bit higher and make it easier to achieve a higher range with. Also, an insanely funded person would probably be better off with ryudes sword + a secondary for the extra attack line (as that is an extra possible 50 mil of damage per cast). With decent si and either a green pot or the + 1 attack speed inner ability, a hero would be able to maintain attacking at the speed cap.

Reply December 16, 2014 - edited

I didn't go 1h+shield because I'm funded; I went 1h+shield because I absolutely love the Gellerhead Shield.

I wouldn't advise going 1h+shield if you're looking for cost-efficient damage (under cap), however.

Reply December 16, 2014 - edited

You could go for boss damage or %STR on your shield, and scroll it for lots of attack/STR.
Attack shields cost a crap ton.
And most people say that 10bil isn't enough for even average level equips, WITHOUT being 1H.

But, a 1H sword or axe is way cheaper than a 2H sword, clean or scrolled. So it might almost even out in the end...just more work to find a shield.

Reply December 16, 2014 - edited