

Friendly reminder that liberals are NOT human

If you are a liberal you are subhuman trash.

March 28, 2017

16 Comments • Newest first


neoliberalism and multinational corporations like firestone, ford, general motors, mercedes-benz, citibank, JP Morgon, etc
they promoted/allowed genocide, famine, corporate sponsored torture, brainwash stolen babies, kill local economy, and prevent natural democracy in 3rd world places like Chile and Argentina. then sweep it under a rug

left wing ppl + union workers are killed/kidnapped/humiliated in 3rd world countries targeted by US/UK companies and CIA trying to take their resources.

that's what i got from reading a book

Reply March 31, 2017 - edited

The irony of calling another group of humans subhuman trash. It's self-defeating. The conservatives are using the term snowflake on anyone who has empathy for an oppressed group.

None of these sides are tolerant of everything. To the liberal, the bullying perpetuated onto the different nonconformist minority groups is intolerable.

Conservatives don't want people to change their peaceful lives because of new toleration of already existing groups of "different" people.

They are like this because they believe they are right.

But listen, if this were years ago, then maybe it would be more peaceful. But after years of seeing cruelty perpetuated on minority groups, even the most peaceful person could easily get tired and lash out. And the conservatives are seeing too many changes that are scaring them or frustrating them.

I guess this had to happen eventually, in hindsight.

Reply March 31, 2017 - edited

Reply March 30, 2017 - edited

Democrats used to actually be good, especially back in the 60's with JFK. Then slowly the communist/socialist parties started coming into the picture and taking over the democratic party, warping it to their twisted views. Bill Clinton was the start of it even though he isn't the worst, but it just went down hill from there. Who remembers Gore vs Bush? If my memory serves right, Gore won the popular vote but Bush won the electoral college. Remind you all of anything that happened recently? And they threw a fit back then, but not to the extent we are seeing now. If I could have voted back when Obama was elected I would have voted for him, he was a good orator and he made us believe. However when he started apologizing to everyone I knew that we had all just messed up. All the divide that started coming? Where was that with Bush. Now to fault both of them. Bush shouldn't have gone into Iraq, however Obama shouldn't have pulled out too soon. As for Liberals now these days it's like if you don't agree with them you are a racist, misogynist, bigot, and xenophobic. That's just crap. They will try to stifle your view point if you don't agree with them such as Milo Yanniopolus at that one California college campus. If Republicans were to pull that stunt preventing them from speaking their opinions and views, they would be all up in arms, however since they are the ones doing it to us its ok... see the irony? Liberals make the rules and then "break" the rules themselves. Like its a sad pathetic joke. The Tolerant left... haha yeah right what a joke

Reply March 30, 2017 - edited

liberalism is a mental disorder

Reply March 30, 2017 - edited

I'm reading this, it relates to your thread.

Reply March 30, 2017 - edited

K nice to know.

Reply March 30, 2017 - edited

@hermes: Hillary is actually pretty hot for a 70 year old though

Reply March 29, 2017 - edited

@aerial: go eat out hillary some more, sweetie.

Reply March 29, 2017 - edited

so edgy

Reply March 29, 2017 - edited

im reminded of this every day because im in college

Reply March 29, 2017 - edited

this isn't /pol/

Reply March 28, 2017 - edited