
Which one will be beneficial?

So since Marvel Machine is going live at 12 do you think it'll benefit me more than Miracle Time?

June 24, 2015

10 Comments • Newest first


Is there supposed to be a Miracle Time predicted soon or something?

Reply June 24, 2015

[quote=iJayMS]Most bang for your buck? It's basically like buying nx items you don't want.[/quote]

I think my wording may have been confusing but I meant that Marvel will usually give you stuff that's of equal worth to the NX that you're spending, not that it will give you the best items for your money (though I do think this true as well, when compared to Gachapon, Philosopher's Books, etc.).

Reply June 24, 2015

[quote=calabari]When is the next miracle time? I don't see anything, so am I missing it or is it just speculation/expectation for one soon?[/quote]

Very soon, within a month or so according to statistics. This timing is actually unusual since Marvel and MT are generally more spaced out.

[quote=iElmo]Marvel will most always give you an equal bang for your buck. That being said, if you're looking to upgrade gear then you should just wait until miracle time.[/quote]

Marvel gives you "equal or greater value in terms of NX spent", no guarantees what you get is actually "useful". I really didn't plan on spending 100k NX on gach tickets, or 70k NX on prot scrolls. And even the profitable items I got took ages to sell/liquidate.

You're right that Miracle Time is a far surer way to upgrade gear than trying to Marvel for profit. Though I personally suggest just buying most of your gear pre-made considering the state of the market where everything is dirt cheap.

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited

[quote=iElmo]Marvel will most always give you an equal bang for your buck. That being said, if you're looking to upgrade gear then you should just wait until miracle time.[/quote]

the amount of times i've rolled madman/revolution/pinnacle loot....

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited

[quote=iElmo]Marvel will most always give you an equal bang for your buck. That being said, if you're looking to upgrade gear then you should just wait until miracle time.[/quote]

Most bang for your buck? It's basically like buying nx items you don't want.

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited

[quote=iElmo]Marvel will most always give you an equal bang for your buck. That being said, if you're looking to upgrade gear then you should just wait until miracle time.[/quote]

When is the next miracle time? I don't see anything, so am I missing it or is it just speculation/expectation for one soon?

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited

Marvel will most always give you an equal bang for your buck. That being said, if you're looking to upgrade gear then you should just wait until miracle time.

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited

I retired from Mapl 6-8ish months ago but if its still anything like it was then, its cheaper to buy premade stuff than waste nx self cubing. Marvel is also gambling though so pick your poison. If you're looking to throw money on virtual non existent things there are other blackmarket means of getting what you pay for that don't involve gambling through Nexin

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited

All depends on luck. You can get really lucky from Marvel and get 1mil Maple points, LGR, Tyrant gloves, etc. or you can get Revolution weapons. You could also get really lucky from Miracle Time and get 30% ATK on your weapon, secondary, and your emblem or you could get 30% avoidability or the stat that has no meaning to you whatsoever.

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited

Donate the money to charity

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited