

Dont you just hate it when

You're out and not at home such as the store, mall, restaurant, school and then you just suddenly have to poop so bad and you can't hold it in, but don't want to go to the bathroom because they're so unsanitary and the toilet seats are dirty and there's pee or poop or blood? >.<

March 26, 2014

16 Comments • Newest first


I absolutely hate going to the bathroom at a public place. Especially at school, girls will just throw their monthly products in the toilet and not flush. It's not worth it hassling between pee/poop/blood on the seat.
It's so gross. </3

Reply March 26, 2014

You know what they say.. poop at home before you leave!

Reply March 26, 2014

southflorida 727 813 trigger city

Reply March 26, 2014 - edited

No, I don't care about public bathrooms because I take showers and change clothes.

Reply March 26, 2014 - edited

There's something called a diaper.

Reply March 26, 2014 - edited

[quote=unknown4576]I wouldn't mind takin dumps in public places if the toilets weren't so damn filthy[/quote]

Yeah, I had to go one time while I was travelling by train ... the station bathroom was nasty, yet I hear woman have the worst bathrooms of the two.

Reply March 26, 2014 - edited

Yea, I know how you feel.
There was a time, I was literally forced to poop in school and the toilets were literally disgusting </3
Poop on the seats because kids think its funny to do get a pencil then stab it and move it to the seat thus smearing it with a library book. This was in florida, bathrooms in Minnesota are much cleaner imo.
I recommend getting baby wipes if you carry a purse and wipe your bum after. If you don't alrighty, stand on the toilet seats, hang your clothes on the hanger thing in the stall. Yep.

Reply March 26, 2014 - edited

Have never used the bathrooms in my school EVER, and refuse to do anything other than pee in a public bathroom. It's different if I'm camping or have absolutely no options, though.

Reply March 26, 2014 - edited

I just hate if it isn't a fast poop. I hate when friends or other people know that I was taking long doing my business

only if they're close or fam pls

Reply March 26, 2014 - edited

yep, i've probably taken 2-3 poops that weren't in my house during my entire life time (haven't traveled much).

Reply March 26, 2014 - edited

[quote=iiPandaBoo]You're out and not at home such as the store, mall, restaurant, school and then you just suddenly have to poop so bad and you can't hold it in, but don't want to go to the bathroom because they're so unsanitary and the toilet seats are dirty and there's pee or poop or blood? >.<[/quote]

[url=]This may help you. I don't need it tho[/url]

Reply March 26, 2014 - edited

Yeah lol I hate that. Then there's my friend who just takes dumps anytime, anywhere lmao.

Reply March 26, 2014 - edited

when you go to the bathroom at a southern public school you will never complain about a mall bathroom ever again

Reply March 26, 2014 - edited

Yeah. I try to avoid those situations.

But I'll always have a couple of those clorox wipes and some baby wipes. Feels good to feel good.

Reply March 26, 2014 - edited