

So much for best friends

This is a continuation of [url=]this thread.[/url]

Today I noticed her being extra risky. She had to teach a class as extra credit, and she especially picked on Connor jokingly. She also shushed us when we were whispering, while the rest of the class was talking. Really? We also got seat changes in Spanish, and the three of us were separated, I'm in the front corner, she was behind one and over two, and Connor was two away from her. Connor was by the screen, with an empty seat behind him. She kept looking at him, not the screen, until she asked the teacher "Hey, I can't really see from here, can I move closer to the screen?" The teacher put her right behind Connor. Now she can pass notes with him again, she couldn't stand having to sit one period away from him. Honestly woman? I find myself now making rude remarks at her in my mind. I'm growing to really hate her.
I've started to secretly attack her, not physically, but today on the bus I got out my phone and read all the sweet messages that he's sent me on my phone, not aloud, but I made it so that the screen was visible to her. She watched.
Is it bad of me?

I've decided I'm going to talk to Connor about it. I'm going to say "Hey, I'm pretty sure that Steph likes you, and I just really don't want it to get between us."

Should I say that though? Is it bad? What if he asks for evidence, the only evidence I have is observation and going through her texts, I can't admit to going through her phone.

May 14, 2012

3 Comments • Newest first


How old are the three of you?

Reply May 15, 2012

@jiroca: He can't tell me because of a previous argument between my best friend and I, she thought she couldn't tell Connor anything because he'd go telling me. (Which he did, he liked to include me) but then she went all hormonal so he promised to not discuss it to me. I understand. My birthday isn't until September, and she doesn't like anyone new. (I know her, I know when she likes someone, and he's the only one she's been nervous about.)

@PigIey: He doesn't flirt with her at all, he only tries to cheer her up.

Reply May 14, 2012

You are extremely jealous.

Reply May 14, 2012