
Your thoughts on pets

So what's your opinion on pets and their function in the game? Do they save precious time you could be using for something else? Or are pets no more than another hole in your bank that money flys from?

January 6, 2017

8 Comments • Newest first


I revive my orange tigers every 3 months, despite having several perm pets from events kappa
I personally rely a lot on pet's buff and autopot cuz i just go rambo on most bosses besides aint nobody got time to spam z all over the map.

Reply January 6, 2017 - edited

Pets without skills are useful for picking up items while you train, because usually I'm too lazy to spam z. Especially during box drop events it can be very useful. Pets with skills are also really great but not essential. I say buying a perm pet package is worth it but if you aren't already hitting good range then use that money to buy cubes and stuff. (Game progression items) Especially before you buy things that are just nice to convenient own like pets.

Reply January 6, 2017 - edited

Pixelated vacuum cleaner with cute animal skin, dood.

Reply January 6, 2017 - edited

I like the old pets like brown kitties since they talk a lot when they're higher than level 20. They tend to have more unique commands and emote to do as well. The new pets are lame. Looks pretty but talk nothing nutritious. And the commands are standardized.

Reply January 6, 2017 - edited

they are for convenience and are more like slaves becuz they have no meaning to you lol

you just feed it whenever it cries of hunger and thats it, the rest is it looting, healing, and buffing for you

wat i do is take them away when i don't need them and take them out when they do, so that they won't get hungry quicker

Reply January 6, 2017 - edited

I feel like pets are a MUST item to play the game to collect items and mesos, if a character I have does not have a pet I cannot play on it.

Auto pot/buff is a plus, but I'm not very trusting on it because it can lag and fail to heal you.

Reply January 6, 2017 - edited