

Flaming Feathers, Silk Feathers, Ancient Scroll

Do flaming feathers not drop from Red Drakes anymore? Been at them for a while and no luck. Seems I recall them dropping more frequently than than this in the past.
I have not been able to find any silk feathers (not stiff feathers) either. Hunted Jr. Lioners for quite a while on 2x drop and not one.
I remember having like 10 Ancient Scrolls after hunting a few Tauromacis but now those don't seem to drop either. Has it all changed? Is it something to do with being on Reboot? Thanks!

January 28, 2016

3 Comments • Newest first


Thanks! I did finally get the flaming feathers (all of a sudden two in a row). And the Ancient Scroll. But something does seem to be up with the silk feathers.
ETA: cherry blossoms were easier than the flaming feathers 0.o I remember those as being awful.

Reply January 30, 2016 - edited

I don't play in Reboot, however...
I was passing through the Ant Tunnel a few days ago slaying Red Drakes and not a single Flaming Feather was dropped.
Was in Orbis just yesterday, and while I wasn't looking for Silk Feathers at the time, I killed enough Jr. Lioners that at least one should've dropped and yet not a single feather was found.
On the other hand, Ancient Scrolls definitely still drop from Tauromacis (or at least they still do in the regular servers).

Reply January 28, 2016 - edited

the drop rate on flaming feather seems to be lower but they still drop

Reply January 28, 2016 - edited