
Noobs who fail at grammar

So today I went to Magatia PQ and I added this girl to my party, I suddenly noticed she switches 'The' with 'AT'.

So what are your stories about fail grammars?

January 22, 2011

69 Comments • Newest first


Waths wrnog wtih my elngish, i bleieve you can sitll udretsnad me.
Poelpe taht meak one or a mnior eorrr are fnie but wehn it's smeohitng sutipd jsut get lsot and sotp wtasnig my tmie.


Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

That kind of grammar mistake just hits me as someone who does not know english very well, but the more subtle mistakes are the ones that annoy me, because it usually = people who know english but speak horribly.

cc plis
Even though this is technically not bad grammar "buy a smega" hurts my soul, because in my mind I hear it as "bai a esmega", because of the 'a' in front of the 'e' it sounds weird so I usually say 'buy an smega', but I know smega is short for super mega phone, but it still irks me.
No ks pls is another one
or youre name is andre, is another one too, *should be your*
this is mines, just screams young kid, also, when people feel the need to walk around typing in caps lock, just hits me as someone who has no sense what so ever. To me, using upper case, is like yelling, or enunciating something, but when you walk around using it all the time, it just makes it seem like you have no education at all. (to me).

On a side note, people please realize, if you tell the TS or others, that you don't care about something, you obviously do, since you care enough to type or say something about it. If you didn't care, you would look at the thread, and exit, moving on with life.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=OniShogu]AT the door there was a person who couldnt use the word AT at all, I felt bad for her so I tought her a new word, [b]ABORTION.[/b][/quote]


Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

@lemonzest: Oh really? Hm. Of course, Highschool english teachers do suck at their jobs :

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=evyxx]Icelandic isn't that difficult for those who already know English, and English isn't that difficult for those who already know Icelandic.
Depends on their native language, and the specific person, to determine what's the "hardest"[/quote]

True enough.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

AT the door there was a person who couldnt use the word AT at all, I felt bad for her so I tought her a new word, [b]ABORTION.[/b]

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=zhiry]Well actually it's not the hardest ,I think the hardest is Icelandic[/quote]

Icelandic isn't that difficult for those who already know English, and English isn't that difficult for those who already know Icelandic.
Depends on their native language, and the specific person, to determine what's the "hardest"

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=Caeg]Just because someone makes one grammatical error doesn't mean they're a retard.[/quote]

you obviously haven't been on maple long enough

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

Player has quitted the guild.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=ShiningBow]Ain't isnt proper grammar [/quote]

Actually, "ain't" is proper grammar. It's used in one of the many sub-dialects of English. In fact, you can take college courses that explore these sub-dialects.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

Do you speak england?

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

Usually little kids trying to be cool. You see a lot of those in cpq, really annoying.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=Igniter54]Did you know that, English is the hardest language to learn in the world? There are many slang words and words with apostrophes in them that those other people in the world cannot pronounce. This is why people who have a slight accent cannot pronounce words properly in English.[/quote]

Well actually it's not the hardest ,I think the hardest is Icelandic

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

I just don't like the people who replace letters with numbers.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

I prefer them to noobs who can speak English well because it makes me feel more justified in being cruel.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=AustinatorV2]May i have a link to this thread?

OT: english isn't everybody's first language[/quote]

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=jek818]So today I went to Magatia PQ and I added this girl to my party, I suddenly noticed she switches 'The' with 'AT'.

So what are your stories about fail grammars?[/quote]

LOL u made me cry

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

Noobs is not a word. The correct term would be "newbies"

Therefore, YOU fail at grammar.

EDIT: oops someone already said that.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

Okay, Il point something.
Im 14 years old and Im french.
I Never had english lessons, nor did my parents help me.
To learn that language, ive sure made alot of mistakes, But people corrected me, instead of harrassing me.
Its Take Determination also to learn a whole language. Some, just don't seems to have it. But some, never had chances to learn about it and are trying they're best.

Don't harass people for those things, Though, I myself hate,when people (typ lik dis).

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

Today someone corrected me for my grammar it was THAN not THEN...
Me: Hes at Ludi, Coming to Orbis then Ellinia then here
Him: Its THAN noob
Me: I just mispelled it by one letter
Him: Aleest spell str8 (Have no clue what he meant)
Me:Aleast* and its STRAIGHT not str8
Him:S tee eff you noob

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=thecoolboy]English ain't my first language, and i do not really care if ppl care about my grammar. My writing should be good enough for ppl to understand either way.

but for those Grammar Nazi's they do have a problem in my eyes ( no offence)[/quote]

Ain't isnt proper grammar

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=Novelist]No, it's grammar.
And it's funny that this thread exists when I just finished a suspension for being a "grammar nazi" (wasn't being one, but whatever.)[/quote] don't understand. I'm 102% sure it's grammer ._.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

So today I went into this thread where some random attention-seeking girl asked me to list grammar "fails." I suddenly noticed that one cannot "fail" at grammar. Grammar is a branch of syntax and morphology and therefore, one cannot "fail" at it. I laughed when I realized how silly and poorly uninformed the TS was.

So what are your stories about hypocritical thread-starters?

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

Those people who try to steal your channel, but can't do it in a civilized fashion.

So when I retaliate verbally (or, rather, textually), they cannot retaliate back with anything. It makes me roflcopter hard to see them try to piece grammar together to give themselves a reason for their superiority.

You might say it wasn't their first language, but if they had learned English elsewhere they would understand basic grammar by the book likely, not use colloquial terms and lame jokes they hear or learn in real life (like "your mom" and all that jazz).

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

Dude you need to learn to spell. I believe the correct spelling is 'grammer' not 'grammar'. Jeez, learn to spell before criticizing others on their grammer.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

meh na spek engrish

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

I really don't have a problem with it unless my friends and I have to try super hard to decipher it

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

72 12 Ju57 j3AlOu2 kAu23 h3r 9r4mM4r 5UXOR2 7OO

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=jek818]So today I went to Magatia PQ and I added this girl to my party, I suddenly noticed she switches 'The' with 'AT'.

So what are your stories about fail [b]grammars[/b]?[/quote]

That's my story.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

i not spaek ingarlish good vairy

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

I'm sorry not everyone's grammar is as superior as yours.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

These people drive me crazy.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

I suggest the TS should lock this thread before it gets out of hand.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=Warbutcher]F1x3d s0m3 gr4mmeticel err0rz[/quote]

S4me herez

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=thomazzs]Failures Unite!,
haha just kidding, english is not my first language but I still hate those people
Yesterday someone was like "I is lvled better then you" o.o still don't know what he meant[/quote]

Fixed some grammatical errors.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=Caeg]Just because someone makes one grammatical error doesn't mean they're a retard.[/quote]

So you're using the word "retard" to NOT describe what someone could be? I see what your saying but try saying something like, "Just because someone makes one grammatical errmor doesn't mean they're (insert word here). Dumb, Stupid, ignorant, not well spoken, anything else you want. Lol.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

lulz @ teh nubz hoo cnt evn spel thar naymz!

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=Sinners]i grammarz ez godli~![/quote]

Don't even now why this made me laugh.
I imagined that you were smiling and saying it like a 4 year old girl.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=jek818]So today[b],[/b] I went to Magatia PQ and added this girl to my party, [b]and then[/b] I suddenly noticed she switches [b]"[/b]The[b]"[/b] with [b]"[/b]AT[b]"[/b].

So what are your stories about fail grammar?[/quote]

I agree

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

guy can get a price on my skill book please?

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

Sometimes (actually, most of the time) I just correct people. I type out the corrected sentence with a * at the end.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

dent hate us, u no bettar.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

You guys do know grammar doesn't determine whether a human being is smart or not right?

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

It's better than the people who aren't able to comprehend any English at all(while in game play).>.>;;
I rather have someone trying than just speaking to me in a "mysterious language".
For example, my boyfriend his native language isn't English but doesn't mean I bash him
to death because he says something incorrectly. = x=;;

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

i is win at speling and is also gramer

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

I don't care about people's grammar, but it's when they st@rt 2 t@Ik lyk dis is what pisses me off.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited


Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

I hate the noobs on basil that tell me I need to improve my "grammer" and don't use the best "grammar" themselves. >.>

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=Cappe]Actually, grammar and grammer are both correct.[/quote]

No. It's grammar.
Grammar:the branch of linguistics that deals with syntax and morphology (and sometimes also deals with semantics)
Grammer:Common misspelling of grammar

Reply January 23, 2011 - edited
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