

Pa vs Pa Attk vs Boss

Which one of these are better and why?

I can't really tell and i don't have a dps calculator

March 23, 2015

6 Comments • Newest first


[quote=whiteforce18]I think you meant magnificent hilla, cause that is the one with 51% attack[/quote]

The I would say the one with the %boss wins but I may be wrong.

Reply March 24, 2015

[quote=nhan1st]The one with magnificent magnus wins I believe, since it's 51% att with 34% boss vs 88% boss and 40% att, and 5% all stats. What you're basically trading is 11% att for 48% boss + 5 all stats.[/quote]

I think you meant magnificent hilla, cause that is the one with 51% attack

Reply March 24, 2015

The one with magnificent magnus wins I believe, since it's 51% att with 34% boss vs 88% boss and 40% att, and 5% all stats. What you're basically trading is 11% att for 48% boss + 5 all stats.

Reply March 24, 2015

if >1, equip1 is better
if <1, equip2 is better

Reply March 23, 2015

If your smegas are any indication, you're overloaded on atk%. But it's up to you to calculate the actual marginal benefit of adding %atk vs %boss.

Reply March 23, 2015

They're [b]REALLY[/b] friggin' close. In fact, if it weren't for the one of the right having a neb and the one on the left not having one at all, it would be impossible to tell which one is better without you giving more information. (How much %boss and %atk you have with both weapons, as well as your %total damage.)

With just that screenshot, I'll say the one on the right is [i]slightly[/i] better, slightly as in a negligible difference.


Without knowing your %atk to %boss ratio, the best I can do is give an abstract value to your %atk to %boss conversion, which is 1% atk=3.3% boss, due to the fact that a %boss line with the same potential tier and primary/secondary classification is equal to roughly 3.3 times the same line in %atk.
(40% boss to 12% atk, 30% boss to 9% atk)

The lines on both weapons are very similar, with the primary potential being equal if we assume your %atk to %boss ratio is equal as well.

Without taking the nebulite into account, this means we're comparing 3% atk, 12 atk, and 28 str with 14% boss.


So as you can see, we're left with 12 atk and 28 str vs ~4% boss and 5% all stat

The difference would be pretty minimal, for all intents and purposes. External factors such as lag and character control would play more of a part in determining how fast you kill a boss than which weapon you use, at this point.

But when we take the nebulite into account? Because the other weapon doesn't have one, it favors the weapon on the right by a small margin.
This comparison is mostly pointless for the most part for the sake of finding out which is better, since if you add an equivalent nebulite to the other weapon, they would be equal yet again.

However, if you're interested in learning about %atk vs %boss comparisons, I highly recommend you checking out the following thread. It even includes a spreadsheet that does the calculation for you as long as you plug in your stats.

Reply March 23, 2015 - edited