

unicycle help

anyone here know how to ride a unicycle?
I bought one yesterday and its hard to balance, any good tips?

April 3, 2015

8 Comments • Newest first


my friend had a unicycle and it took him a few days to figure it out, basically you just wanna be able to keep pedaling and keep your weight a little bit forward in case you fall, when you get better you should be able to switch off pedaling forwards and backwards to stay upright in place and it's super wobbly at first but after that you can start taking a ride around on it. I never got around to learning it but I watched my friend learn the whole thing

Reply April 4, 2015

This thread has inspired me to buy a unicycle. Amazon has some pretty cool lookin' ones for $100.

Reply April 3, 2015

Bro, I'm 23 and can't even ride a bike, the hell you bringing up a unicycle for, you want me to cry? WELL GOOD CAUSE I AM! WHY YOU DO THIS?

Reply April 3, 2015

The best way to learn to ride one is to learn how to trackstand on a fixed gear bike. I used to ride fixed gear all the time so I eventually picked up trackstanding at stop lights ( when you balance your bike in a stationary position without your feet touching the floor) I learned to use my hips, arms, and even feet to move my weight to where it needed to be. After over a year of fixed gear biking, I hopped onto a unicycle and got the hang of it in like 10 minutes

Reply April 3, 2015

no clowning

Reply April 3, 2015

use your arms to level yourself... it also helps if someone's with you
'cause then if you start to fall they'll catch you... and then you look in their eyes...
and then... <3 <3 <3

Reply April 3, 2015

try to abduct your arms to balance yourself more

Reply April 3, 2015

question, why a unicycle?

Reply April 3, 2015