
Help atk% vs luk%

On a weapon would 30% boss, 6% atk be better or 21% luk?

March 27, 2014

11 Comments • Newest first


@CherryTigers: I have a Ph.D. in MapleStory game mechanics, you don't.

All jokes aside, I'm [b]pretty sure[/b] I understand how my pots work...

Reply March 27, 2014

Ok thanks so much

Reply March 27, 2014

[quote=KyuuKyuuMoar]@CherryTigers: %atk builds on your weapon attack, %dmg is the one that builds on range

You are the one who is the harbinger of misleading information[/quote]

This is where most people are mislead.
%atk > %total damage
%total damage relates with %boss. You should look into this or it'll confuse you. Just look up a debate about people talking about how the effects of %boss diminishes around 250%. %total damage is factored in this.

As for the confusion in %atk, it is misleading because it actually multiplies into your range. Check up link skill mules, specifically Kanna and demon avenger. The description says it increases your %total damage. This is incorrect as they actually affect your %atk.

Don't worry, a lot of people are confused about this. I actually had to look at this extensively so I could understand it as well because I just got into funding characters. It was a mystery to me why I could not hit the damage cap, but after I sorted this issue out, hitting 50m per line was no issue.
It's pretty misleading but yea, to wrap it up:

%atk > %luk on a weapon.
Also, %atk > %total damage.
NOT the other way around.

Hope this helps you, TS. Hope this helps you, KruuKruuMoar.
I do not have ALL the info I need yet, but I'm still gathering info so I can make a video about this later to help people out since there is no video about this topic on YouTube.

Reply March 27, 2014 - edited

@CherryTigers: %atk builds on your weapon attack, %dmg is the one that builds on range

You are the one who is the harbinger of misleading information

Reply March 27, 2014 - edited

why have 21% LUK when you could have 21% total damage or attack, that could be double to triple of what LUK would give.

Reply March 27, 2014 - edited

[quote=KyuuKyuuMoar]Wrong. Pretty sure 21%LUK is better than 30boss 6atk at HoH grinding.


The formula is dependent on two factors. You cannot say definitively which one is better without knowing more information from the OP.
However, 6% atk almost always wins over 21% luck on a weapon because you can obtain 21% luk on ANY equip. %atk will literally multiply your range. %luk is added into a component of your range. Again, just check the formula and play with hypothetical the numbers before forming conclusions without any basis. The spread of inaccurate information is not good. Someone might google, see this thread many months later, see your comment, and be mislead.

So that would be incorrect. Having %stats on a weapon is never good news.

Reply March 27, 2014 - edited

[quote=KyuuKyuuMoar]Wrong. Pretty sure 21%LUK is better than 30boss 6atk at HoH grinding.


While I was cubing my emblem, I got 21% luk and 9% atk, guess which one won out? 9% atk, and by quite a decent margin (10-15k difference?). If you are over emphasizing atk rather than balancing luk% and atk, then yes, luk% will probably benefit you more, but somebody with a good amount of atk and that isn't lacking horribly in luk% benefits ridiculously from atk%. My charm with 9% atk and 6% luk gives me around 60k range, which is like a good tenth of my overall range, with the 6% luk only accounting for a small fraction of it. My atk is around 800 and my luk is around 7000, which is fairly balanced in my opinion, yet atk% benefits me multiple times more than luk%. And the 30% boss isn't to be dismissed either, as that's very valuable if he's even a semi-decent bosser. I'd say that the 30% boss 6% luk is the clear winner.

Reply March 27, 2014 - edited

@KyuuKyuuMoar : I'm pretty sure even 6% attack is quite a significant boost to one's range though

Reply March 27, 2014 - edited

[quote=CherryTigers]You never, EVER want to get %stats on your weapon.[/quote]

Wrong. Pretty sure 21%LUK is better than 30boss 6atk at HoH grinding.


Reply March 27, 2014 - edited

You never, EVER want to get %stats on your weapon.

Reply March 27, 2014 - edited

depends on the situation, but most people would prefer the first option.

Reply March 27, 2014 - edited