

Skill Typhoon Crush

This might be a nooby question and all, but I just cant seem to understand how it works. What I mean is that on a normal boss with no defence like a mu lung dojo boss, ill hit 20mil or so per line, but when I face a boss such as Hilla I hit only 10mils, but with Typhoon Crush shouldn't I be able to hit my normal 20mil's at a 40% rate. Can someone explain this skill Thx

December 12, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first



Eww Ray, you cant say anything negative cause I freed your belt from its curse

Reply December 12, 2013

you see it was a nooby question.....I totally forgot about physical resistance. thx guys this helps a lot

Reply December 12, 2013

Tyhpoon Crush Ignores PDR. Hilla has PDR and Physical Resist. Physical Resist will automatically cut your dpm by 50% unless you have a skill that reduces this effect. I believe a personality trait reduces it by 5% when maxed.

Hilla also has 50% PDR which will reduce your damage by another 50% if you have no PDR sources. Typhoon Crush will bypass this.

Reply December 12, 2013

It ignores PDR not resistances.

You'll see this difference between cvellum and hilla.

Reply December 12, 2013