

Jump attack dps boost?

I've heard for NW's that jump attacking gives a dps boost, but I don't understand why/how. Could you explain that for me please it'd be much appreciated as well as could anyone tell me if this dps boost effects NL's as well? Thanks

December 31, 2014

16 Comments • Newest first


Does the ability to hold down 2 keys at once and have it work only work on certain keyboards? It doesn't seem to work for me. Would I have to get a new keyboard or could certain keys just not work when pressed simultaneously? Should I switch around my jump/attack keys?

Reply January 2, 2015

It would be great if they can give us NL's that feature.

Reply January 1, 2015

[quote=reverexx2]I always thought the jump-throw was the NL's way of reminding themselves how dominant they were in the good ol v62 days.[/quote]

This guy knows it.

Reply January 1, 2015

[quote=reverexx2]I always thought the jump-throw was the NL's way of reminding themselves how dominant they were in the good ol v62 days.[/quote]

I jump throw because its fun lol and because standing on the ground is incredibly boring and slow if I have to attack and then move when I could do both at the same time

Reply January 1, 2015

I always thought the jump-throw was the NL's way of reminding themselves how dominant they were in the good ol v62 days.

Reply January 1, 2015

Press Jump and Quintuple Throw at the same time without letting go of either of the keys. It'll be pretty obvious whether it works or not

Reply January 1, 2015

[quote=Flat]Those who believe that wishes it was a dps boost. Casuals dont know their stuff[/quote]

Well this is awkward

Reply January 1, 2015

[quote=LegitShadow]I've heard for NW's that jump attacking gives a dps boost, but I don't understand why/how. Could you explain that for me please it'd be much appreciated as well as could anyone tell me if this dps boost effects NL's as well? Thanks[/quote]
Doesn't work for NL. Pretty sure it's due to the way NW's flash jump works.

For maximum DPS you'll want to use MPE green along with booster and 1 other speed boost (Decent SI, inner ability, etc) and have as low of a jump stat as possible.

Reply January 1, 2015 - edited

If done properly, you're using Quintuple Throw twice in one jump. The 4 stars are thrown on the ground and the 5th is in the air. The next attack starts immediately after with the 4 stars thrown in the air and the 5th on the ground. Check the Night Walker forums on how to do this.

Reply January 1, 2015 - edited

NW issda? Naneun jeon-e yeonju haebon jeog-i eobs-eo.

Reply December 31, 2014 - edited

it pretty much allows a 1.5m NW be able to solo hellux with time remaining,

when a 1.7m nw barely finishes hellux without jump atking.

Reply December 31, 2014 - edited

Iirc, jump throwing on night walkers shortens the throwing animation of the exploding star. So it would make nw attack slightly faster, but it doesn't affect night lords at all.

Reply December 31, 2014 - edited
It does affect NW's attack speed, it's AT LEAST 1.5x faster than the normal attack time. I believe it has to do with the attack animation of NW's QT, just compare a few people attacking on the ground to people attacking in the air, it's pretty much two streams of stars compared to one.
Also, it doesn't affect night lord for some reason. It's just a perk for night walkers.

Reply December 31, 2014 - edited

Those who believe that wishes it was a dps boost. Casuals dont know their stuff

Reply December 31, 2014 - edited

I thought jump attacking was just to look cooler...

Reply December 31, 2014 - edited