

Finish this Cane?

Should I finish this Cane with 20% and White scrolls?

Or just save up the 20%'s and White scrolls and hopefully buy an Empress Cane? I don't really have a lot of money atm so I don't think I can buy an empress weapon for 2b unless I don't buy white scrolls.
If I perfect my weapon above it's stats would be 27 all stats 143 attack hammered.
What do you guys think?

July 1, 2012

8 Comments • Newest first


[quote=lilchiq]@lian360: Can you get your hands on a Timeless?

It depends on you, is that going cane going to last you till your end game Cane?[/quote]

Timeless I can't. Reverse probably. And yes the cane will most likely be my end game :X

I'm not gonna resell things btw. They will be mine and mine only O_O

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

@lian360: Can you get your hands on a Timeless?

It depends on you, is that going cane going to last you till your end game Cane?

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

Eh... I'm not huge on Timeless weapons since they have zero resale value.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=lilchiq]@lian360: If there are people going empress in your server, its most likely some of them will have a Timeless recipe.

If they do get it, and craft a Timeless Cane.

I was lucky enough to get one from a good friend of mine for a cheap price.[/quote]

So, I should ditch this cane and get a Timeless? :X

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

@lian360: If there are people going empress in your server, its most likely some of them will have a Timeless recipe.

If they do get it, and craft a Timeless Cane.

I was lucky enough to get one from a good friend of mine for a cheap price.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=wolfzfang]what lvl is that cane?[/quote]

It's lvl 100. Some people are saying that I should just get a Timeless one.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

Well, there's an Empress cane on Bera and it goes for 12b+. I don't think we will be getting 2b empress canes very soon. So just finish that cane you have.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=Xerzco]Finish it - Heres Why, When U finish it u can sell it. And Essentually U'll Go Bossing Empress and GET YOUR OWN. Then with the Money You now have and the armour u've obtained, u can Scroll it and SELL IT FOR BIG $$$[/quote]

Alright, thanks for your opinion

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited