

Before you play Zero Tips

I've gathered some tips that were posted in Insoya

1. Lv.120 set for Zero's are useless and time coins should not be wasted on them (the site suggests using the coins for the Gold Label recipes and mastery books)
2. Read the book in Zero's temple three times a day (they give random 100~300+ trait boosts)
3. Gold Label set is exactly like the empress set (skill 2+, Boss atk) so there isn't that much need to fit an empress set for zero. So don't max skills and leave them 2- unless they're for advanced skills.
4. You can spam training from Dello(?) by using fatigue potions (?) (Don't understand this but I understand you need fatigue to craft gold label equipment)
5. Once you turn lvl 182, clear exp from mirror world drops from 7.8m to 1.9m
6. They cannot do silent crusade quests :o

December 19, 2013

5 Comments • Newest first


Another tip from personal experience:

Avoid upgrading your weapons until you need them. Since both weapons are exactly alike in stats in which they are the same if you scroll, cube, potential, etc; you can use it as a reset option. Meaning say you tried to scroll the weapon and 2 of the scrolls failed out of the possible 7. When you upgrade the item it gains about 2-3 base attack, but you are able to reset it back to a point when the scrolls were not used.

Weapon 1 (Lv100 Versions) : ~109 W.ATK, 3 scrolls failed, 4 slots remaining.
Weapon 2 (Lv110 Versions) : ~111 W.ATK, 7 Slots Available.

Kind of get the jist? So it would be a bit more beneficial to wait on upgrading them and use them as a reset when trying to scroll the first one perfectly or as close to as possible.

Reply December 19, 2013

Can someone tell me which skills do they use regularly and more importantly HOW?

I currently do this.
Alpha 5s CD skill, 10s CD skill.
(do nothing for the remainder of his 'tag' duration)
Beta 5s CD Skill, 10s CD skill.

And repeat.

Reply December 19, 2013

It's annoying as hell thats ALL I know....thats what I've heard from takes a while to get to 180 but I'm a quester anyways so it'll prob's take me 2-3 Days tops...

Reply December 19, 2013

o i havent started, so thanks :]

Reply December 19, 2013

[quote=doyoueven]"5. Once you turn lvl 182,"
How long did that take you? (without hacking or cheating or leeching or enhancing or using steroids)[/quote]

"I've gathered some tips that were posted in Insoya"

Reply December 19, 2013