

Got into my first car accident

I was sitting at a stop sign for ~15 seconds and couldn't see any cars coming or going because of the curb parked cars. it was midnight so I didn't expect there to be many cars out
I'm sitting there for a while and I don't see any cars coming so I go, but this kid in a brand new kia optima is going over twice the speed limit on a street and is going too fast to be able to break, so I get ram'd on driver side

I said it was my fault, so my insurance is covering all of his damages. I was supposed to yield anyway, I just didn't see him I guess. it sucks, and I had just gotten my car fixed up and now it's running all funny

what was your first accident like? how long have u been driving

September 13, 2015

14 Comments • Newest first


I've been in a really minor car accident before, but it wasn't in my car. It was during January 2014 when I had arrived from my trip to Turkey. I live in Dallas but I had gone to Turkey via Turkish Airlines in the Houston International Airport since it was really cheap and wasn't available in the Dallas Fortworth Airport. I couldn't drive myself home even though I had a car. The thing is, I had to call my brother. I can't fall asleep in flights whether I'm in First Class, or Economy class. I have before, but it's still very difficult. Because of that, I was so sleepy that I almost fell asleep waiting for him to come pick me up. I couldn't drive home in such a condition. Anyway, on the halfway mark, some moron rammed into us so hard, that our car exploded. Just kidding, I said it was a minor accident. We were rear-ended by a Mexican dude. He put a foot to the brakes but he still hit us but not as hard as he could've. We got a small dent in our car. My bro's (he's younger than me) has been driving for 6 years.

Reply September 14, 2015

On the bright side, you're okay

Reply September 14, 2015 - edited

Been driving for 4 1/2 years. Not one accident. Drive smart

Reply September 14, 2015 - edited

What @wall said..

Anyways, me and my co-workers were on the way to a Korean BBQ place to celebrate our co-worker's last day because he's been working at the same place for a long time. My co-worker was driving us. We were waiting at the stoplight to make the last left turn before we arrive, the place was literally I would say 20-30 yards away from us. But a drunk driver rear ended us so hard causing the car to spin 180 and was facing the wrong way. My co-worker's car rear was destroyed. It was scary because I was sitting in the back driver side and my side literally took the most impact. The drunk driver took off, basically a hit and run, but the police were able to find him. Pretty scary.. [url=]We were in this car..[/url]

Reply September 14, 2015 - edited

[quote=zzxxskyxxzz]You should have blamed the other person for the accident.
If he/she was going over twice the speed limit, then it's either entirely his/her fault, or it's on both of you.[/quote]
agreed. he/she should have slowed down and driven carefully instead of just speeding. especially when there's poor visibility.
(you're supposed to drive more slowly when you can't see clearly)

edit: also, you NEVER assume full blame for any car accident. you let the insurance company decide.
NEVER assume full blame on the spot.

edit2: and always get the information you need from the other driver
ex: driver license info, plate number and phone number for contact

Reply September 13, 2015 - edited

You should have blamed the other person for the accident.
If he/she was going over twice the speed limit, then it's either entirely his/her fault, or it's on both of you.

Reply September 13, 2015 - edited

I've been driving for 10 years and I've yet to get into an accident. But given the way people drive in LA that's probably jinxing myself lol. Three of my co-workers got into accidents within weeks of each other though and they weren't happy about it. One got hit so hard that her car was totaled out and it was only a few months old.

Your situation sucks though. Since if he didn't have a stop sign he technically had the right-of-way, even if he was over the speed limit. You could argue that had he been going the speed limit, he would have been able to stop before hitting you, but it'd be tough to fight since you technically didn't yield because you didn't see him. The only consolation I can give for accidents is "at least you're alive" because things can turn bad really fast if someone is speeding.

Edit: I just thought of something. I [i]did[/i] almost get into an accident back in 2009 when I was driving home one night with my, now, ex. It was a 2 way stop and I was about to make a right turn and this car flew through the stop sign. He was going at least 70 on a residential street. I couldn't even tell what kind of car it was because he (or she I really don't know) was going so fast. Had I been going straight at that street (there was no stop sign for my direction) I probably wouldn't be here now. So I do know what it's like when a car is flying down a residential street. I didn't notice it coming until it was barreling through the intersection.

Reply September 13, 2015 - edited

you stop like you're suppose to
they were driving too fast
don't admit its your fault, let the judge decide
i got into an accident once, cuz someone didn't bother to use turn signals

Reply September 13, 2015 - edited

I was on a fast road going straight when a car turned left. I hit that car and was unconscious for a while.

I woke up and couldn't remember what happened or where I was for a minute or so. Bruised my neck.
Smoke everywhere. Colours seemed dull. Felt Hazy
Couldn't hear out of one ear.

Completely their fault. The car I hit lost control and hit another car, so the third car was able to vouch for me.

I don't own a car so I don't have a lot of hours. I have enough experience for a license though.

Reply September 13, 2015 - edited

I'm quite a new driver myself and was involved in an accident very recently (June).

A friend was following behind me and we were traveling on a one-way road. I stopped because a car in front of me was turning left, but my friend didn't stop. Slammed right into me, destroyed the entire trunk, and it moved my car to hit the one in front of me. Ended up with a totalled 2004 Honda Accord. Quite a sad day for me, but there are a few things to take note:
1. Yes, "legally" I am a bit at fault in terms of hitting the car in front of me, but let's face it. Nobody follows the "car length behind the one in front of you" rule perfectly. I do whenever I stop at red lights/stop signs, but during traffic and instances like these, it slips your mind, you know?
2. When you get into the accident, be very careful of what you do and say. Anything action can and will be held against you, and this is why I advise you do these things:
a. Say something hurts. If nothing does, the whiplash will definitely give you some sort of issue in the next few days, if not the next.
b. Never EVER say it was your fault, even if it really is. You're not trying to compensate here. As long as no one is hurt (badly) or dead, win as much as you can. Your premium will take a huge hit if the ticket is written to you.
c. Discuss things extensively with your insurance agent--if they're unreliable, then get a lawyer. I received $5500 from the crash when the real estimate was about $4700 because of recent repairs and receipts to prove them.
d. You will be in panic mode; it's a given, but do not let emotion patch over your logical side. Explain things to the police in a way that would be in your favor, always.

Of course you don't want to put the blame on someone else, but this is real life. You can't just say sorry, get a slap on the wrist and move on. Money, insurance, credit, bills, etc. are all involved here and it's just something that you can't be nice about. Hope this helps anyone who might be involved in an incident or perhaps for future reference. Glad you're safe though!

Edit: I dislike how people say you can avoid accidents by being super careful and driving super cautiously. Sometimes anomalies happen on the road, stuff happens. You're just lucky. Don't ever pitch the "you should have driven more carefully" argument to anyone who has gotten into an accident--especially if it was not their fault.

Reply September 13, 2015 - edited

drove for years. not a single accident so far. i'm extra careful when driving.

Reply September 13, 2015 - edited

i dnt drive rlly bt my friend always drives us places n he drives reckless everywhere,, 4 accidents last month alone n car finally broke down while i was drivin bc too ffffed up

b safe

Reply September 13, 2015 - edited

Havn't gotten in an accident. Almost got pushed off a bridge by a 16 wheeler while on it's blindside though. THAT was scary af

Reply September 13, 2015 - edited

Never had an accident because I'm freaking pro at driving recklessly.
Got my license about a year ago.

Reply September 13, 2015 - edited