

cell phone question

So i cracked my old phone pretty badly and i figure it wasnt worth the trouble going through and fixing it. so is it possible to just take the sim card out and put it in a new phone and expect things to be the same as they were before?

August 19, 2014

4 Comments • Newest first


dude just buy like 10 backup phones of each kind (iPhones, Samsungs, etc) so you won't have this problem again. People can be so ignorant these days.

Reply August 19, 2014

Only what you stored onto your sim card will be brought over to the new phones (ex: contacts, photos, music...) Getting a new screen can be quite costly depending on the model of your phone.

Reply August 19, 2014

Yes. But you are going to pay for smartphone services even if you don't have a smartphone and if your provider doesn't like the new phone they can cancel it.

Reply August 19, 2014