
Baby Moon Bunny

Hi, I wasn't around when they released Baby Moon Bunny, but I had to wait for 30 minute to finish his photo and now I need to go find him. In the world map it shows him being in sleepywood, el nath and a few other places but I cannot find it. Can anyone direct me to him or explain how to get to him?

May 31, 2013

3 Comments • Newest first


Travel far and wide until you reach the deep abyss of time, there a great clock resides you must overcome. Only then, will you be granted permission to start a chain of adventures to meet Baby Moon Bunny...
You know you are almost finish when you reach a land of extraterrestrial beings and talk to a rocket scientist which will give you a ride in one of their rocketships.

Reply May 31, 2013

if you aren't trolling, these sort of quests can be accessed by clicking the star or lightbulb on the left side of your screen

Reply May 31, 2013