
How to get 100% crit chance on a Hero

What's the easiest way to get 100% crit rate on a Hero?

I am currently at 42% when unbuffed, and it goes up to 62% when I use enrage. If possible I'd like to not have to level my Phantom or Beast Tamer to 210, they are both, however, 120 and I am using those link skills.

December 19, 2015

3 Comments • Newest first


@fradddd: critical potential is bad when you can get more damage

Reply December 20, 2015

@endurance but how come people never recommend to get critical potential on stuff?

Reply December 20, 2015

if you don't already have a dark critical adventure ring.. RIP

with NL from base 5% (with no weapon on)

50% from 2nd job critical throw passive
15% from dark critical adventure ring
5% from lvl 5 critical chance hyper
8% from emblem
17% from weapon

all that gives me exactly 100% unbuffed so with hero you can probably get it up there if you add link skills and a few other things like inner ability, etc

Reply December 19, 2015