

Girlfriend found out that Ive smoked weed before

Yesterday, my "friend" told my girlfriend that I had smoked weed before. He knew I didn't want her to know, and he also knew that she is very strongly against drugs. Besides the fact that my friend is an ass, my girlfriend's now pretty mad at me. She's saying it's not okay and that she's really disappointed that I gave into peer pressure. Honestly, trying marijuana is not even a big deal but the way she's talking about it, I don't even know how to fix the situation. Anyone have any tips or things I could say to her?

September 15, 2013

28 Comments • Newest first


stop weeding

Reply September 15, 2013

She's mad you say ? You know what helps cheer people up... Maybe, just maybe, the problem IS the answer ! Sharing is caring..

Reply September 15, 2013

having a gf this sht
any year after 420

Reply September 15, 2013

Spark her up.

Reply September 15, 2013

Go hit her up and maybe she'll think otherwise. hehe

Reply September 15, 2013

Thanks a lot for all the tips and responses. Yeah I would drop my "friend" so fast, but we do so much stuff together that I'll wait it out and see if he is honestly trying to mess up my relationship. The girlfriend says she doesn't want to talk about it anymore so I guess that's that for tonight

Reply September 15, 2013

just admit your mistake and ask for forgiveness srsly its not worth it to argue with her

Reply September 15, 2013

tell her you haven't smoked weed after that incident and you learned your mistakes

Reply September 15, 2013

How come whenever I make a thread about Mary Jane... I get banned within minutes?

OT: Tell your gf that it's a PLANT. You were curious and decided to try it. And tell her that it's not harmful at all and it is impossible to get addicted to it. Or just leave her and get someone else. I broke up with my old gf because she hated how I was a pot head and played video games/watched anime all the time. I like my life as it is now and don't want to change it just because someone else doesnt like it.

If you really like her and it was just a once in a life time thing, just tell her you're sorry and won't do it again because it was a mistake in the past.

Reply September 15, 2013

Just be (semi) honest with her. Tell her that just because you tried it doesn't change who you are, how much you care about her and that you haven't done it in a long time and would never do it again because you know she's fully against it. Don't mention that you don't think it's a big deal, that will only aggravate her.

Reply September 15, 2013

Stand your ground, OP.

Tell her to suck it up. What's done is done. If she's mad at you for something you did in the past (before being in a relationship with her, I assume), she trippin, bruh.

Also, your friend is sus.

Reply September 15, 2013

@Mewtwo: no, i'm saying you know somebody who is absolutely crazy with messed up priorities

Reply September 15, 2013

[quote=voyance]1. Trying Mary Jane is a big deal. It may lead you into deeper curiosity or at the very least get accustomed to it.
2. You knew what kind of a girl she is. She's against that stuff, why'd you hide it? You could've at least told her the truth indirectly.
3. Your friend is an ass. Watch out, he might make some move to swipe your girl off your hands. Especially now that she's not very happy with what she learned about your hobby.
4. Beg for forgiveness and don't lie to her. Given that you think weed is no big deal + she thinks it's a big deal, do you really think your priorities and values match with each other? Think hard about this.

I broke up with my ex-GF in HS because our values didn't match...I didn't like PDA, I didn't do weed, I didn't drink, I'm not the type who'd go to clubbing. She's the type who'd want to do stuff in public, she's VERY curious about drugs, she drinks, she wanted to go to club every time possible. Guess what, we fought about these things and I'm not willing to compromise for her.[/quote]

The people who speak from experience on this site give much better answers than people who speak from opinion

Reply September 15, 2013

Do w/e the hell you want to do dont let some teenage relationship make your decisions

Reply September 15, 2013

[quote=Deciduous]@Mewtwo: i should probably be clearer when posting, but that's far beyond what i associate w/ normal behavior. occasional/single times smoking weed are pretty inconsequential. going beyond that is where people should def worry (dealing, possibly getting caught) and the case you mention is insane just for the initial theft, let alone what it was used on.[/quote]

bich r u calling me a liar

Reply September 15, 2013

[quote=remuchi]If smoking a plant is such a big deal to her, dump her straight up. There is a not worse things
Pimpin ain't ez big guy.[/quote]

Damn straight my thugga. Pimpin hella hard

Reply September 15, 2013

@Mewtwo: i should probably be clearer when posting, but that's far beyond what i associate w/ normal behavior. occasional/single times smoking weed are pretty inconsequential. going beyond that is where people should def worry (dealing, possibly getting caught) and the case you mention is insane just for the initial theft, let alone what it was used on.

Reply September 15, 2013

Toke it before you stroke it

Reply September 15, 2013

[quote=Danessica]I know people who have stolen hundreds of dollars from parents for nexon cash.[/quote]
Dude lets save that for another time and focus on the weed topic.

Reply September 15, 2013

1. Trying Mary Jane is a big deal. It may lead you into deeper curiosity or at the very least get accustomed to it.
2. You knew what kind of a girl she is. She's against that stuff, why'd you hide it? You could've at least told her the truth indirectly.
3. Your friend is an ass. Watch out, he might make some move to swipe your girl off your hands. Especially now that she's not very happy with what she learned about your hobby.
4. Beg for forgiveness and don't lie to her. Given that you think weed is no big deal + she thinks it's a big deal, do you really think your priorities and values match with each other? Think hard about this.

I broke up with my ex-GF in HS because our values didn't match...I didn't like PDA, I didn't do weed, I didn't drink, I'm not the type who'd go to clubbing. She's the type who'd want to do stuff in public, she's VERY curious about drugs, she drinks, she wanted to go to club every time possible. Guess what, we fought about these things and I'm not willing to compromise for her.

Reply September 15, 2013

tell her you do it everyday

Reply September 15, 2013

[quote=Danessica]I know people who have stolen hundreds of dollars from parents for nexon cash.[/quote]

well i guess im proud to be neither of those people

Reply September 15, 2013

[quote=Deciduous]ugh, tell her to get over it
you did it in the past for your own reasons and it's not even a big deal. she doesn't need to be condescending about "disappointment" and "peer pressure" if she's going to be so blind to how tame of a drug weed is.[/quote]

it's not tame for everyone.

I know someone who stole 1000$ dollars from a community fundraiser to buy weed

Reply September 15, 2013

shes one of THOSE people. no point in trying to reason with her. just say that you were curious and wanted to try it because michael phelps or one of those other generic white good guy celebrities that have been caught smoking weed had done it. then say you thought it was a horrible experience and there is no chance you would ever do it again. only say that if you are a good liar though

Reply September 15, 2013

ugh, tell her to get over it
you did it in the past for your own reasons and it's not even a big deal. she doesn't need to be condescending about "disappointment" and "peer pressure" if she's going to be so blind to how tame of a drug weed is.

Reply September 15, 2013

It's a big deal to other people. Just find a girl that smokes so there are no problems.

Reply September 15, 2013

Well tell her that its something you did in the past unless you still do it now then you should break up with her to save youself the drama

Reply September 15, 2013

She is right, it is not okay. Admit your horrible mistake and deep remorse to her and you may have a chance left.

Reply September 15, 2013 - edited