
Solution for Boat/Plane Glitch?

As many of you know, there is currently a glitch in which you disconnect from the game when on a boat or plane.
It may not be a major issue for some; but for others, it could be rather aggravating. I personally have experienced this multiple times before I found a temporary solution. Although I wouldn't say it's viable, I have had people confirm that it worked for them.

Luckily for you, there isn't any complex guide on how to fix it. You just need to do two things.

1. Don't alt+tab during or before the boat/plane ride.
2. Refrain from moving your character at all times, especially at the 0:00 second mark.

If it works for you, great! If not, then I hope Nexon patches it soon.

December 9, 2012

8 Comments • Newest first


@DColdhearts: The fact that you were on your Luminous shouldn't change anything.
Actually, now that you mention it, I think you just have to remain active. Whenever I'm on the plane I'm either talking to my buddies or guildies. If you could be more specific with your scenario, it would be highly appreciated.

@Haseoshino: Smaller-populated worlds, such as Renegades, don't have large enough families.
And some people are too cheap to buy a Hyper Teleport Rock (that being me.)

Reply December 10, 2012

I tried to fly to Leafre on my Lumi and just AFK'd on the plane, but I still D/C'ed. Is this because I have a Lumi, or am I just doing this wrong?

Reply December 10, 2012

I found changing channels just before you go on the ride really helps.

Reply December 10, 2012

@Jubilee: Thanks for the vouch.

@xoxoSakura: Please tell me if it worked for you or not!

@GreenyScott: Yes, because I want to waste NX on my Luminous which I will quit after I get the link skill.

Reply December 9, 2012 - edited

Or you can buy a hyper tele rock.

Reply December 9, 2012 - edited

I will try this o-o

Reply December 9, 2012 - edited