

A little tip to fellow Beast Tamers

Disassemble all nodes you do not need, and spend all of your shards (pieces) on Decent Speed Infusion.

This helps a whole lot getting the Furious Strikes started as the swipes skills gets over with a lot faster and pounding that hammer 10 times in 3 seconds sure helps a lot.

It also stacks with other buffs, if you have anything that increases attack speed.

April 22, 2017

7 Comments • Newest first


@pilox: I'm not a big fan of mana overload, it drains my mana too quickly lol. yeah, i have done 5th job. I grabbed DSI but still seems the same I just need to get more attack speed buffs i suppose. One day i'll get that IA.

@peachtime: Ah, i don't need to crit rate (already have 100) But the crit damage would be good. I'm just torn to what node to replace for it lol.

Reply April 24, 2017 - edited

@pilox: Swiftness gives +3 AS and breaks the soft cap, so it might be a bit misleading. But that's good to know that green card gives +2 AS.

I can't check my character right now, but Ayumilove is saying that Defense Ignorance gives +2 attack speed when I'm pretty sure that it only says +1 in game. Then again, you'd still need the +1 AS IA to hit the hard cap in Leopard stance.

@yiffyfurry: Yep, gives both crit rate and crit damage. Pretty nifty for us.

Reply April 24, 2017 - edited


Here's a video I took with decent speed infusion, green card (2 speed) and Swiftness rune (unsure how much it give).
But they stack together, so since beast tamer weapon is Normal I think that after green card + decent speed you can also use inner ability (1) and one more thing if you have.

As you can see in the video Im not too strong but the speed covers up for it. I'd highly advice you to complete 5th job, if only for Decent Speed Infusion and Mana Overload (M/O does help).

I use common skills more than champ charge: Speed, Mana Overload, Hyper Body.
(champ charge also speeds up with decent speed infusion and green card)

Reply April 24, 2017 - edited

@peachtime: I knew Ia effected us, although i haven't been able to get it yet. Something like the DSI nodestone would definitely be easily obtainable. I can say the green pot does help too. not sure how much att speed green card gives either, but considering it's not 100% chance it might be worth investing in other sources. Keep in mind the speed cap though so having alot of att speed buffs only helps to an extent.
Also, dse is crit damage? i thought it was just crit rate or w/e.

@pilox: legendary rank, and from my experiences it's not easy to get.

Reply April 24, 2017 - edited

@peachtime: green gives +2 and it stacks with speed infusion. so a total of +3 attack speed.
So if you are just training and don't need the yellow/red card, green card + speed infusion helps a ton with training.
with decent speed infusion you still get an extra boost at boss if you need the yellow card for damage.

At what rank does attack speed appear in inner ability? I might try to get that there too, to see if it helps even further.
My current speed infusion is level 2, but I use it almost all the time now and it made my arcane river prequest bearable as the hammer wasn't so slow

Reply April 23, 2017 - edited

@yiffyfurry: For what it's worth, having the +1 AS inner definitely helps my BT. I haven't tested green pot/DSI nor do I know how much attack speed Meow Card gives yet.

@pilox I'd say it's better to run DSE since Meow Card already gives a significant boost to your attack speed compared to DSI. We already have perfect crit in bear stance, so the crit damage goes a long way.

Reply April 23, 2017 - edited

Does it work? I had the decent SI on my gloves one time and it didn't seem to help. then again, i gave up on 5th job because bt's 5th job sucks. But, if this works thanks!

Reply April 23, 2017 - edited