
Should I Recirculate Ia?

I have 30 attack on my Inner Ability and am wondering if I should circulate that. I had been planning to use nx until I got one good line then use honor to lock that and reroll the rest.
30 attack seemed good at first but apparently it isn't affected by %attack potentials. I'm a Mercedes so attack speed is useless, so the only others I'd be aiming for are 20% boss or 50% buff duration. How rare are those and would it be worth recirculating?

December 16, 2014

6 Comments • Newest first


30 ATT is really good for an inner ability so you should keep it if you don't have loads of miracle circulators/honor exp.

Reply December 16, 2014

Yea legendary, and I already have 100% crit. I was just wondering if +30 attack was good at all since it isn't affected by %attack potentials.
%boss or %buff would definitely be nice.

@above no you can still use honor

Reply December 16, 2014 - edited

if you have legend pot can you only use nx circs?

Reply December 16, 2014 - edited

Mercs hurricane like attack (ishtars) has a set speed when you hold it down although the startup of a cast is affected by speed. Si is pretty useless though for most bowmen classes asside of a marksman or unless you're mobbing/ trying to get skills set up faster for dojo.

Reply December 16, 2014 - edited

Are you sure Attack Speed is worthless? I am sure
Green Potion+ IA+ Booster + (if possible) SI >>> Green Potion+ Booster + (if possible) SI

As long you have Green Potion up, the speed cap is always broken and any more speed+ will help make it even faster? Unless Mercs actually cap at a specific speed...

Reply December 16, 2014 - edited

i assume this is in legendary right?
maybe crit rate if not already at 100% or min/max crit (if those exist in inner abilities) would be better if not stay with that

Reply December 16, 2014 - edited