

Reason to take electives?

So I know a guy who signed up for AP Physics B during Fall 2012, but he dropped the class in the spring term. Let's call him Bob. Bob is a 12 grader going through all the college process crap. So another guy, let's call him John, said Bob made stupid move. John said Bob was suppose to stick with AP Physics B until end of 12 grade. John's argument is that you sign up for elective because you want to learn the stuff in that elective. Bob said he took AP Physics B in fall of 2012 so he can show colleges his rigorous high school schedule. Since Bob submitted all his college applications during the winter, he decided to drop AP Physics B Spring Term. John said Bob's view of education is wrong. He claimed taking an elective to impress colleges is wrong attitude. Since AP Physics B is year long course, with an AP exam in May, John's criticism of Bob made them two hate each other even more. So what do you think is the reason to take electives?

March 28, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first


I think high school is a joke...College on the hand is for fun.... Grad school gets a little harder.... Doctorate is when the headache starts

Reply March 28, 2013

Take what you think will be applicable. Taking something to impress universities isn't the worst, but dropping out half way through to trick the school doesn't help anyone. Depending on what you take physics will be important, and it's a great topic IMO.

Reply March 28, 2013

I think people should take a mixture of electives.
Some electives they want to take for funsies just to learn, then some electives to impress colleges, but still would like to take out of interest anyways.

Reply March 28, 2013

Why would anyone drop physics? That is some easy science. All you need is algebra.

Reply March 28, 2013