

im getting getting sick of teachers

im getting sick of teachers being like "oh you dont understand this material? but we've gone over it yesterday, you should know it by now."
yeah? i should? and what if im really dumb? what if i find this particular subject to be difficult? huh?
and you sit there like a fattie being like "you dumb? we already talked about this thing that you dont know"
and i just like... GOD! i wonder what goes through these teachers' brain when they say this, do they think it helps me understand better when they say it? do they think it motivates me to work harder? no! it just makes me feel shame and i dont even wanna hear about that certain subject anymore! if you wanna help, just explain the stuff that i didn't understand and dont give me the attitude as if im a slow child that has brain damage.
i swear when i become teacher i will never, NEVER do that.
and YES i wanna be a teacher when i finish my degree, so what!!

February 15, 2016

9 Comments • Newest first


Join a study group. Much easier to keep up on material that way.

Reply February 15, 2016

@asianboii59: it took me about 2 minutes to type that paragraph, and also the problem isn't the teaching, the problem isn't that i dont understand something because of the professor, the problem is, when i do have a question, they be like
"ohhh but we already talked about this subject a few days ago" which seems kind of pointless in my opinion to mention because the fact is, i didnt understand it, and you, instead of making me feel bad, can use that time that you just wasted, in order to explain what i wanted you to. the problem is that they say "we already talked about this thing" which makes me feel bad.

Reply February 15, 2016

You guys always hate teachers for the dumbest reasons.

Reply February 15, 2016

Just join the mikitary

Reply February 15, 2016

I don't think this thread is to be taken seriously, the irony here is that he wants to become something he really hates. If you don't understand the material it is not the professor's responsibility to waste their time with your underdeveloped brain. Do you think in a lecture with 100-300 people the professor will pause the lecture and walk you through the materials that you failed to read? You seem to have an abundance of time to type out this horribly structured paragraph, but you don't have time to study? Maybe post-secondary isn't for you, why don't you try becoming a MapleStory GM?

Reply February 15, 2016

At some point, it becomes your responsibility rather than the responsibility of your teachers. They teach the material, and you have to learn it. If they don't teach it properly, then it becomes your responsibility to learn.

You would know if something is wrong with the lecturing when the majority of students are having problems, or if an exam bombs for everyone - but otherwise, if the class is doing fine, and you find yourself being left behind - then it's no one's responsibility but your own. Seek help from your profs, study sessions, and other resources - blaming the prof can only go so far.

@windowlegs K, what relevance does your comment have to OP's rant. What does your video-making youtube lifestyle have to do with this.

Reply February 15, 2016 - edited

its your fault for not being entertaining and taking advantage of the large amounts of young people who watch youtube and live streams

Reply February 15, 2016 - edited

my freshmen year english teacher always preached that teachers got PAID TO TEACH and if they ever caught an attitude towards a student that asked for more help then they are impatient idiots. never feel ashamed to ask for more help, they are supposed to make sure every single student understands whatever is being teached. regardless of how many times they have to explain it to you.

Reply February 15, 2016 - edited

I'm going to assume you're talking about university level courses. While I'm aware that being condescending toward a student is one issue, the instructor does have a responsibility to keep lectures moving at a pace that keeps up with schedule; they can't slow down for a few stragglers, but some are nice enough to help students during office hours (I do this for my students). If you have resources at your university that helps you keep up with the material, I would strongly suggest using them.

Bare in mind that teaching at the college level is much different than primary and secondary education. In elementary, jr. high, and high school you usually have much more room to slow down and adjust for the slower students and at times, the entire institution will adjust accordingly if it becomes an issue. Universities on the other hand do not function this way; final dates are rarely adjusted just because students fall behind and schedules in general are much more set in stone.

You're an adult now; the pace at which you keep up with the material is, in large part, your responsibility alone.

Reply February 15, 2016 - edited