
LHC during 2x - In a different point of view

*NOTE: Guild name has been changed to protect the innocent.

I knew that something different was happening as soon as we entered the map. My Master's friend had summoned her to help with KSers in her map. It seemed to be a normal day, yet there were already half a dozen humans in the bearwolves map, relentlessly killing the poor monsters as soon as they spawned. My master climbed onto a rope, waited a minute or two until another her friend jumped onto a safe platform and partied us, then jumped down into the fray, killing bearwolves herself. The humans were snarling at eachother, hurling dirty insults that had me covering Kinos' ears. I then realized that [i]this[/i] was the beginning of 2x. It was half an hour until it started, and the humans were already fighting over dominance of the maps! It was utterly ridiculous, yet I did my duty, smugly snatching maces and totems out from baby tiger's and husky paws, Kino following behind and drinking potions.

There was a battle between two parties on the map. My master was in the Noctural alliance, her party consisted of a bishop and dual blader, the other party was Azure* a bow master, dualblader, shadower and bishop as well. Shouts of "cc or get DC'd!" flew from Azure, as the Nocturnal members chuckled and hurled insults about the other humans' mothers back. My master simply smiled grimly and continued her assault, choosing not to get into the verbal fray. Unfortunately, she wasn't helping as much as Nocturnal had hoped she would. The Azure DB human was strong, and although he could not DC my master, he could ks her. an averagely funded I/L AM is no match for a funded DB. Twenty minutes passed, with my Master and Nocturnal tenaciously hanging onto their map by a thread. As 2x drew near, the tension in the air was almost palpable.

I found myself with my fur bristling, stretching my muscles to the limit to keep up with my Master and Elquines as she furiously teleported across the map, lightning dancing around her. Kino simply gave up and lazily lagged behind, but I, as lead pet, Snapped at his mushroom hat to keep him scurrying to keep our Master alive as all her attention was diverted to keeping her map. Five minutes until 2x, when I was sure my Master would simply give up and try and find another map, a blessing happened. Four of our good friends appeared in the cold air above us. they dropped down, Syko, Jim, Emma, and Jin. Haste, Hyper body, and rage were quickly passed around our party, the Azure members simply smirked arrogantly and continued killing, but then their jaws dropped as they saw our damage. Nocturnal and Smurfs guild members alike stormed the bearwolves' map, cooperating fully with eachother and easily overpowering Azure members. Gratefully, my Master greeted her guildmembers with hugs. I nosed Syko's husky, Locc, happily, and he licked me in return before turning to grab up Syko's loot and give him pots. Faced with all of us, Azure didn't stand a chance. They turned heel and ran from Jim's stars and Syko's dragon. I stuck my tongue out at them as they left. and turned to playfully start a game of who-can-get-1000-purification-totems-first with my friends.

That was my 2x.

Well, that was my [i]White tiger's[/i] 2x.

August 13, 2011

21 Comments • Newest first


That's some point of view you got there.

Reply August 17, 2011

First of all.
Alot of people seem so harsh here about a story she made. I found it funny to read. If you don't like it then simply dont instead of flaming about wasting your time or whatever.

Second. I was invited by a friend of mine to help KSing and Blood reindeers and found out my friend lied about that they were there first so silently i've been KSing them the whole time. Eventually I whisperd the other silent guy in the other party and found out he had the exact same thing going on with his friend and found out he's a really nice guy (Heiimet) He was there with his brother and sis who were both really nice and ended up befriending. The two leaders of my and the other party were still fighting while we left.

Reply August 13, 2011

This is normal. This is why I don't train during 2x.

Reply August 13, 2011

goood story!

Reply August 13, 2011

awww... not the poor kino Q_Q I got lucky and only noobs tried to KS our chn... somehow got a mech to KS them... no one knew the mech, he just came and KSed

Reply August 13, 2011

By master I thought you referred to your Guild Master.. LOL.. I kinda got weirded out when I found out it was your pet's POV.

Reply August 13, 2011

[quote=EvansArePro]and yet she wasted 3minutes of your life[/quote]

Incorrect, as I didn't read the post.

OT:I don't like the whole "stick our tongues out; i'm a teenage girl" feel of it, but that might be cuz i'm a guy

Reply August 13, 2011 - edited

Cute story

Reply August 13, 2011 - edited

This was pretty good and very funny.

Major props for "palpable"

Reply August 13, 2011 - edited

+1 like on the story Very amusing xD

Reply August 13, 2011 - edited

Yeah, I didn't want to reveal it was my pet and have you guys guess... but that's not how it turned out lol.

Thank you so much for all of the nice reviews, guys :]

Reply August 13, 2011 - edited

Read he whole thing it. Was great. Just that I was a little confused at first .

Reply August 13, 2011 - edited

Cool story, tell me another one.

On topic: Very good writing skills. Having it told from the pets point of view can really make the story intriguing. This has earned you +1 internetz, legal tender on any online forum.

Reply August 13, 2011 - edited

Not too bad. Your writing is quite diverse. I suppose the story could have been a little better, but your writing is quite good.
And dude, that's so Bera. So Bera. I just started playing on that server yesterday (since my friends wanted to play with me) and it's so much more crowded than Broa. And I feel like the people are a bit meaner on there...I dunno. Maybe it's because there are so many people there, so I just run into more mean people?

Reply August 13, 2011 - edited

[quote=doid]If you read the whole thing you'd know she was talking about her 2x.

Anyway the same went for me. a bunch of 13 year old squeakers (3 of them were 13x NLs who could hardly hit more than 10k per star, two didn't have TT). They tried, and failed miserably, another party came in, stole our map, some random guy map crashed everyone right after I went into MTS to check something, my friend got hacked an hour after 2x ended (as well as a few others, or so I've heard) and I got mass defamed for defending my map.


Locc, [b]happily, and he licked me in return[/b]. Sounds more like a fanfic to me

@greenbandit: LOOOOOOL

Reply August 13, 2011 - edited

[quote=LightinEmeny]you suck anyways[/quote]

bet he is one of the ksers.

Reply August 13, 2011 - edited

that was hard to read for me.

Reply August 13, 2011 - edited

" the Nocturnal members chuckled and hurled insults about the other humans' mothers back."
I giggled.

Reply August 13, 2011 - edited

Pretty cool story

Reply August 13, 2011 - edited

i read the whole thing, it was that good

Reply August 13, 2011 - edited

I read the first sentence, the last sentence, and skimmed the story. Is this supposed to be a fanfic or something?

Reply August 13, 2011 - edited