

Emoticons beside thread titles

This is just nitpicking, but I'd like to see the option of choosing what emoticon appears next to your thread title, or even none if you don't want one.
It just seems rather out of place to have this emote <3 next to the thread title when the title is "I was just hacked".

May 24, 2012

5 Comments • Newest first


I don't know if any of this was ever explained to the Basil user base in general. I found out about it from someone else who found out about it from somebody who asked someone once.. or something like that.

It hadn't made any sense before that, and it doesn't make much sense now that I know what it's based on.
There used to be "!" marks by the emoticons too and I asked why some threads had them and others didn't and nobody seemed to know.

Like Hye said, I never pay any attention to them anyway.

@shairn Why not submit your idea directly to Mr. Basil as a suggestion in a ticket..? He likes to get ideas from members, and really he's the only one who can make changes like this anyway.

Reply May 25, 2012 - edited

I didn't know it was by amount of replies. I guess it wasn't explicit enough. Or something. All forums I've been to just used the "hot" thread system.
If that's the point of the emotes, I'd suggest having a legend at the bottom of the page explaining it(Like all forums with a system like that).
Of course, like I said in my first post, I'm just nitpicking. I don't actually care much, it's just a little suggestion.

Reply May 25, 2012 - edited

[quote=RKyais]the emoticons are only reflecting the amount of comments, not about the thread topic.

here's a scenario: would you rather enter threads based on the emoticon next to it or simply go in and check things out yourself?
well, if ppl complain about it enough, it can be removed i guess -shruggs-[/quote]

Like I said, I don't take the emoticon into account unless (sometimes) it's a poll

The way you worded it made it sound like going in the thread was easier anyway, which makes me confused as to whether or not you agree with the TS o.o

Reply May 24, 2012 - edited

[quote=RKyais]if u observe correctly, the amount of comments decide the emoticon.
pretty much the <3 emoticon appears when there are plentiful amount of comments and when there are only a few of em.

here i thought most already knew this ....[/quote]

Consider a scenario... "my pet died" with 200 replies. Does it look right that there's a <3 next to it?

Reply May 24, 2012 - edited

I've seen a similar scenario and thought it was pretty funny, but in a cruel way I guess

I would like to have the choice, since I don't think many people care about using them to represent a number of replies. I only use them to see if the thread has a poll, but would like a different icon for poll threads.

Reply May 24, 2012 - edited