

Corsair vs Mechanic

Hi basil, looking for some advice on the issue (in my head) of Corsair vs Mechanic.
I currently have a level 126 mechanic, and an 82 cannoneer (open advancement at 101). I was initially planning on maining the mechanic, but the horrible mobility is killing me. Even with the wind walk we get in You and I: the seed, I don't think I could deal with being completely immobile while using siege. So, I'm planning on moving from mechanic to corsair, seeing as I already have a full CRA set.
Basically what I'm asking for is the opinion of basil. Could all you mechanics and sairs come out of the woodwork and share your opinions on what I should do.

TL;DR plz wich iz bettah yo

March 16, 2014

13 Comments • Newest first


@aznballing You can't just 'put a weight on it' anymore. Not since Nexon implemented anti-botting.
Non sequitur: How are equips cheaper? Mechs and sairs use exactly the same equips.

Reply March 22, 2014

Mechanic way easier to level up. You can just watch yourself level up especially if you get mp and hp auto potion with pet. Use flame launcher til 120 and then laser to 250.

Put attack on space bar and put a weight on it. I think flame launcher works all the time and laser turns off every few minutes. Equips is cheaper...

Reply March 20, 2014

[quote=NaakteShadow]Mimijii I really love jokes
- I'm not joking. If you want to have fun go for Joke. If you don't want to be unique, go for sair.
Go for sair to fight endgame bosses. Wait a bit and see how Jokes get overpopulated in the next KMS revamp.[/quote]
I like jokes too, like your post.

Reply March 18, 2014

I am GundamDroid! the Mechanical Nightmare!

I give monsters MegaHertz and send robots to bomb them.

I think YOU would be happier with Corsair. Besides using the same funding for both jobs, you'd get wayyyy more damage on corsair, nearly double the range. Trust me because I have both jobs over lvl 210. Meaning I've been playing them for so long I've calculated hundreds of hours @_@.

Reply March 18, 2014 - edited

Corsair. Go with the Corsair for your mental health...

Reply March 18, 2014 - edited

Mech is more unique than sair at this point. I literally have not seen a mech in over half a year

Reply March 17, 2014 - edited

Mechanics are a joke.

Reply March 17, 2014 - edited

Mech, Change to Pink for 10% DMG Boost

Reply March 17, 2014 - edited

Random thing that I've noticed as well. Magnums are the only non transferable secondary, meaning you can't just move it around to multiple attendance mules to pot it

Oh btw training my sair-to-be. I just couldn't handle moving from mm's hookshot fj mobility to mechanic

Edit: Thanks for the input guys

Reply March 17, 2014 - edited

I'd go with the Corsair, I'm pretty sure you'd get a higher range with the same funding on him anyways. You also get higher crit rate, attack bonuses, and other buffs from your summons (%HP/MP, %Min/Max Crit damage, %Crit). I'm going to assume you prefer higher mobility, so I'd recommend the Corsair at this point.

EDIT: Going with what above said, I do have a hard time doing easy magnus, but I still manage to clear. Once he hits ~25% HP, I don't bother with going into siege since the time it takes to switch out of it to move out of the way is too long with how fast the rocks drop down at that point. You're far better off with the mobility that Corsairs have lol

Reply March 16, 2014 - edited

You'd think for a class that rides mechanical robots they'd be tanky-ier
but they're not
Plus Mech have a ridiculous amount of summons which make them even worse and their mobility is horrible
Yes it may sound bias but Cosairs are alot better, if you've tried mech in Magnus they're almost impossible to survive with; sairs on the other hand have recoil shot and it is amazing for dodging skills and meteors
Just make a sair

Reply March 16, 2014 - edited

I like corsair for its diversity in attacks (headshot= snipe, rapid fire= hurricane, ELE=...idk mob attack, battleship= unique attack). Mobility wise they're pretty good in my opinion.

Reply March 16, 2014 - edited

Submit to my authority and I shall pick you a class

Reply March 16, 2014 - edited