

Demon slayer or Aran

Can't seem to decide from watching videos and comparing the skills.
I like the Aran's Final Blow and Beyonder because of their animations, but I also like Demon Slayer's mobility, demon impact, and Blue Blood.

Which one is more fun and which one is stronger? What are your opinions?

May 29, 2014

13 Comments • Newest first


Why is very one saying arans have horrible mobility? If you learn how to combat jump arans have one of the best horizontal mobility skills in the game. The good mobility with Meele attacks is what drew me into liking aran in the first place.

Reply June 4, 2014

Alright, I think I'm going to choose Demon slayers over Arans.

But, now I'm starting to like ice lightning's chain lightning attack

so demon slayer or ice lightning wizard?

Reply May 31, 2014

IMO, DS > Arans. If Aran's didnt get messed up with all those updates, I would chose them but overall right now DS are better than them.

Reply May 30, 2014

They both boring to me but if i had to pick.... eh, honestly, probably aran, ds is stronger and better and all, but that one handed axe stuff is ugly so id go with aran.

Reply May 30, 2014

Lets see... (Totally biased)
Aran: OS fast but weak, FBBB mid tier damage but slow (after revamp current damage is sad), mobility try jumping at the end of combat step and all is good, if you get finger cramps don't play it, combos are better than macros however they are not needed as much nowadays.
DS: Fast, tons of skills, good damage (if you fund it some), excellent mobility, no lack of lines (if you ever get to that high of damage).

Reply May 30, 2014

In terms of fun, I'm going Aran all the way. Not biased at all....w/e...anyway. In terms of being stronger...yeaahhhh DS wins that award unfortunately. I love the Aran class and if this was maybe 2 or so years ago, I'd say hell yea man just go Aran all the way. But times are changin.

Aran has really great damage unfunded, due to things like having a high weapon multiplier, high %dmg on their skills. The main thing that hinders the class is a lack of lines.
DS, on the other hand has many lines to most of their attacks, especially when under the influence of Blue Blood, their 150 hyper. Demon Impact is receiving a bit of a delay decrease soon so they'll have even better DPS.

From a survivability standpoint, Aran has a great drain skill, perhaps one of the best in the game still. They also have a couple skills that increase their defense as well so they certainly aren't squishy. DS has great status resistance, and pretty good defense as well. Be warned that Aran has the least HP out of any warrior class..Not that it really means much since you have such an awesome drain skill anyway.

...Just try both. They're both great in their own right.

Reply May 30, 2014

How about have an actual Aran give some input

Aran's are probably the my favorite class in all reality. I've tried every class on maplestory, gotten every single one to 100 or higher, and I've had probably the most fun with the Aran class. That being said, they are pretty bad when it comes to bossing, our DPS is ****, and we have no mobility or jump. I personally never get tired of sticking with the same attacking combo because it's fun too see high raw damage numbers and you get a ton of excellent buffs, but like i said, our dps isn't great so you're gonna have to do a bit of funding.

On terms of the DS, I've never mained one, but messed around on one, they're a pretty fun class, crazy mobility, and can glide! On terms on fun, they're pretty awesome.They seemed to do pretty decent damage, but they're nothing compared to what they used to be, same goes for aran. So I guess in the end, it just depends on which one you think you'll have the most fun with. The last point I'll make about Arans is, u get to summon a giant polar bear smacking minions around, it's pretty fun, and when you around lv 150 you get a hyper skill that adds another line of damage to it, so that's pretty sweet. <3

Reply May 29, 2014

I find Aran to be boring tbh.
I like Demon Slayers because of their cool attacks and the wings provide great mobility

Reply May 29, 2014

I totally want to do a little quiz for this.

When mobbing, do you:
A) Prefer to take your showboating into your own hands when mob killing and like the ability to move mobs around with ease.
B) Prefer efficiency and kill as many mobs in as short a time as possible.

With characters do you:
A) Accept and enjoy characters that have to get to level 170 before the benefits of their full skillset can be really enjoyed.
B) Prefer a character which gets going right from 100 and only gets better from there.

When travelling are you:
A) Able to put up with low mobility if the benefits of the class make up for it.
B) Inclined to pick a class based somewhat on its mobility.

How much do you care about bossing?
A) Having a unique and fun class is more important.
B) Having good damage and good team utility is helpful!
C) I must do leet dps!

With skills do you:
A) Not mind using one skill sequence repeatedly.
B) Prefer being able to choose from a wide library of skills and mix things up if you get bored.

Have you ever experienced strains in your fingers or wrist after long periods of play?
A) My bones are coated in a titanium alloy!
B) All the time.

If you picked mostly As go for Aran and for Bs I recommend Demon Slayer. By the ways, on the bossing thing if you definitely picked C) I recommend you pick neither and choose a different class since both are more 'fun' than leet sexy dps classes. Some people are probably gonna disagree with that silly quiz, but whatever, I had fun making it and you should have fun with whatever class you pick. I did, anyways.

Reply May 29, 2014 - edited

Both classes aren't what they use to be gameplay wise honestly.
I'd go Ds out of the two though.

Reply May 29, 2014 - edited

Aran because demon slayers suck. I wouldn't understand why someone would make a demon slayer or even consider making it his/her main. I know I would never touch a demon slayer in my life.

Reply May 29, 2014 - edited

I don't know how many times I have to say this but "fun is subjective" so choosing between the two depends on what Y[b][/b]O[b][/b]U think is fun.

In terms of who is stronger....including the You and I update (or w/e that update that buffed the Arans), I would still say DS. On top of that, DS has skills that are very useful in the end-game (bind, full-map mobbing, etc).

Reply May 29, 2014 - edited

From my experience..I would probably say DS.

Arans are cool and stuff but are extremely repetitive. It's irritating hitting the same keys over and over again just to attack 1 mob and even worse when fighting a boss lol. Not many skills that are any different from spamming the attack button..if ur not spamming overswing, you'll end up spamming Final Blow. Arans can't really take a lot of hits either, but drain makes up for it (in my experience at least). They also lack mobility, VERY stiff game play only having combat step.

I'm not trying to say I dislike Arans cus I don't. They're just not what they used to be, even damage wise they were nerfed but I hear there's gonna be updates in the future buffing them up a bit. Although I'm not very familiar with DS, I have used one and I can say that they are very fun. Very mobile, can be tanky, and can be good with DPS. Not sure how funded you'd have to be to compete with other classes but between DS and Aran, I'd choose DS.

Reply May 29, 2014 - edited