

Diabetes Boy The Final Chapter

Previous threads for context:

By the way, this thread is just for anybody that actually cared about the previous posts (which could be absolutely nobody, but meh). I just want to share my happiness as well.

Well, Basil, it's been a while since I last talked about it. Since then, I've gone on the vacation, came back, and the most important part: gotten a blood sugar test. And, there is good news and bad news. The good news is I am not diabetic! The bad news is, I am in the early stages of pre-diabetes. But that means it is reversible! So, you bet since I heard that that I am eating much healthier now. I am talking major diet changes. I am so glad that I've been given the opportunity to better myself before its too late. And, you bet I am going to take that opportunity.

So, yea, lesson learned. When you eat crappy, you are gonna have diabetes. Have a nice day basilers! And thanks to the ones that gave me good advice and convinced me to seek help!

August 10, 2014

4 Comments • Newest first


Sorry to hear that. Hope for the best!

Reply August 11, 2014

[quote=TheBigPotato]I think a better question would be what junk food haven't I been eating? I was eating cookies, chips, corn dogs, pizza, burgers, etc. I occasionally had fruits and veggies, but my junk food diet far surpassed the healthy portion of my diet. Now, I am eating waaay more fruits and veggies. I'm still having chips and pizzas and stuff, cause i'm not a strong believer in eating only super duper healthy all the time, but I eat that stuff a lot lot lot less than I once did.[/quote]

good on you. Hope all goes well.

Reply August 10, 2014

[quote=crazypoorer]What junk food have you been eating prior to your discovery?[/quote]

I think a better question would be what junk food haven't I been eating? I was eating cookies, chips, corn dogs, pizza, burgers, etc. I occasionally had fruits and veggies, but my junk food diet far surpassed the healthy portion of my diet. Now, I am eating waaay more fruits and veggies. I'm still having chips and pizzas and stuff, cause i'm not a strong believer in eating only super duper healthy all the time, but I eat that stuff a lot lot lot less than I once did.

Reply August 10, 2014

What junk food have you been eating prior to your discovery?

Reply August 10, 2014