

Vent Your Feelings Here

Say whatever you want to get off your chest in this thread.

Here's mine to start off:
I'm in marching band, and there's this girl I kinda like. Everyone is telling me to ask her out, but I really don't want to. They're telling me that being rejected isn't as bad as asking at all, but that's not it. I'm not afraid of her saying no, I'm afraid she'll say yes. I can barely talk to a girl, much less have a relationship. Plus, I already have tons of crap to deal with, I just know how I could fit it all in. What's bugging me though is it might come back to haunt me in the future, because she's the only girl who has shown even an ounce of interest in me in my entire life, and I feel like I'm missing an opportunity.
Okay, go.

October 29, 2011