

Any one piece fan?

hehe i love one piece.. i love everything about it..
how oda brings back characters from like 400 chapters and makes them relevant to the current arc from like alabasta to marineford arc.
the story is amazing and how the characters have changed like how Zoro from the beginning followed his ambitions and told Luffy he would kill him if he made him abandon his ambitions to willing to give up his ambitions to him.. and nearly giving up his life to allow Luffy to live.
The Feels in One Piece is awesome to.. from The viking funeral of Going Merry to the Death of Ace and WhiteBeard.
do you guys like one piece?
what dont you like about it?
Whats your favorite characters and favorite Arc?
maybe you just hate one piece with all your heart that can be something to!

March 3, 2014

21 Comments • Newest first


@thief4vaal54: Just finished reading the new chapter. I hate it when Usopp starts acting like a wimp. He has to put on his Sogeking mask FAST and be an epic sniper. What's going on now is build up for his fight. I can't wait for CP0 to make their move. They will probably make their appearance sometime after Luffy vs. Doffy. I LOLed so hard when I saw Kinemon. *sigh* Now I gotta wait for next week TT_TT

Reply March 6, 2014

Omg crazy crazy stuff
Pika vs zoro..
Franky, Thunder Soldier, Robin, Dwarfs All relying on Usoland to finish this operation
Thunder Soldier being Kyros
Knowing Kyros is the biological father of Rebecca
Doflamino, completely caught off guard of the attack on a Sugar and tremble while luffy, violet, and Zoro goes to the main castle and Chopper Sanji Nami attacking The factory/Big mama
And the amazing comic relief of FF kine'Mon dressed up as Doffy?
This is crazy and we have yet to see how the Mera Mera no mi with the revolutionaries.. Sabo and KOALA!
Kine'mon is going to fight that guy umm the one that has the fruit of like turning things into inanimate objects and obliterating them?
This is right now 2nd best next to Cipher Pol 9 arc...

All we need now is... SOGELAND!

Reply March 5, 2014

@thief4vaal54: My favorite ARC has been the Enies Lobby arc. It was soooo awesome with all the new movies, banding together to save Robin, kicking CP9s butt, and Going Merry dying TT_TT. 2nd favorite was Alabasta arc. I have a feeling my Dressrosa will be my new favorite arc since there's been so many new developments (like you said: CP0, Sabo, Big Mom, Fujitora, all the new characters, Sanji vs. Doffy, Law vs. Doffy vs. Fujitora, Zoro vs. Fujitora, etc) but I have to see how it ends before I can conclude how I feel about the arc.

Yes, I've noticed the fairy tale references. There's Shirahoshi being Rapunzel, Pinnochio and Usopp, Jack and the beanstalk and Skypiea. Also Zorro = Zoro, Water Seven = Venice, Dressrosa = Rome.

My favorite character... hard for me to pick just one. It's either Zoro or Sanji. I love swordsmen and I love fighters who specialize in kicks.

I just think Oda is an incredible story teller. He makes such compelling characters, with their in depth backgrounds, unique personalities, and clever design which is my favorite thing about them. Almost everything has some sort of meaning to it. Characters are normally have real life references (even Fujitora was based off a character from a movie, forgot which). Names have hidden messages that relate to the characters. He even includes real life issues like slavery, and racism. He tends to pace the story well per arc (not as a whole since it's been going on for years now and there's no end in sight -- thank god), and when he doesn't, you could always count on some epic fighting scenes. The happiness and sadness of arc characters are conveyed well to the viewer, giving for great dramatic build up, and everyone just can't wait to see Luffy punch the crap out of the bad guy. Oda taunts the readers by making the bad guy untouchable, and letting him continue all his evil deeds to anger and frustrate the viewers. It gets to the point where the viewer is just like "OMG SOMEONE JUST PUNCH THIS GUY ALREADY!" and that's when Luffy comes in. So yea, Oda = GODa to me lol

Reply March 5, 2014

@ishottedsnow2: probably just sparred with that Mihawk monkey and got sliced in the eye.

Reply March 4, 2014 - edited

@ishottedsnow2: haha this isn't FMA:B or code geass he doesn't have the eye of a god xD hahah

Reply March 4, 2014 - edited

[quote=ishottedsnow2]Im curious about sabo, cp0 & the story behind zoro's eye.[/quote]

I'm really excited about SABO and CP0 but I believe there's nothing behind zoro's eye it's hyped up way to much and you'll see it's just a scar haha

Reply March 4, 2014 - edited

Im curious about sabo, cp0 & the story behind zoro's eye.

Reply March 4, 2014 - edited

[quote=newrichboy]:o I feel like I just found two incredibly like-minded One Piece fans :'D I agree with what you all said.

I love everything about One Piece too![/quote]
Hehe... I love one piece.. Favorite arc? Character?
Mine is probably CP9 Arc.. But dressrosa is REALLY reallllly good.. Freakin CP0 3 Yonkos Sabo/Revolutionaries warlords and 3 supernovas? And it's 100% like a better alabasta.. Faster pace then alabasta(thank god)
And I've gotta say.. I have a huge respect for Fugitora.. Amazing admiral..
But omg if you see one piece in depth like me..(huge huge one piece fan..) there's soo many fairy tale references(not the anime like real Fairy Tales)
In the beginning how Alvida said to Cody who's the prettiest women in all the seas? Fairy tale reference right there!(mirror mirror on the wall)
And Robin in CP9 there were a lot of red riding hood references! Hehe

Reply March 4, 2014 - edited

[quote=Alwayscokacola]That's because one piece is a long long long manga, things happening now might will be relevant over 300 episodes for all you know, it took around 500 episodes to see who doflamingo really is, and what is power reallly was.

Naruto and bleach are really really messy, no character development, no plot really... naruto is more or less about a guy who loves his friend so much he wants to force him to come back even though he doesn't want to, and on the road to get there he learns the ''strongest'' possible justu which turns about to have around 10 more stage's somehow no one's ever heard off until he develops them.

and bleach is always the same, though enemy, ichigo gets easily beaten, then trains, gets beaten again, then trains again and then super easily beats the enemy.[/quote]

[quote=thief4vaal54]whats messy about it? o-o explain to me its not messy they just show characters and scenes that will be relevant later on the story like ace in alabasta with the vivre card. Sabo in Luffy's past. even Lola, she gave them a "vivre card of her mother" saying she'll be helpful later on "hint hint" on Big mama the Yonko. shank's hat.. Everything will eventually be put in it's places its not messy its just showing hints on what will happen later on. the story is amazing!
naruto and bleach is everywhere FMA:B is one of my favorite animes and SnK but for one piece, there is a good reason why its #1 selling manga 5 million more then SnK in Japan for years now and years to come haha
I would love to hear your arguement tho! i think you can provide things that might contradict what i've said [/quote]

:o I feel like I just found two incredibly like-minded One Piece fans :'D I agree with what you all said.

I love everything about One Piece too!

Reply March 4, 2014 - edited

[quote=weredoggy]whoa; hard core OP fans found. It's only my opinion, but 1, OP's art lacks sophistication. Too many characters had the same outline (all the 'regular' women had the same body structure for example) and too many times in the manga do I get lost at what they're doing. Take the arc at the mad scientist's lab for example; more than seven chapters were spent on running around (approximately) 1000 meters. Providing a map did not help; so many characters, so much was going on, that made this manga hard to understand. 2, story follows the really stereotypical Jump manga storyboard. OP's story has not progressed in terms of finding the OP (main goal) but has demonstrated itself as just a tournament-style manga (Dragon Ball Z, Reborn as premier examples) where every new island has a new set of opponents, allies, and final boss. Furthermore; similar to DBZ and Reborn, character development is nearly non-existent; when comparing Luffy, Zoro, and any of the characters now to their earlier stages; there's barely any evolution. Without a final destination anywhere in sight, the perpetual introduction of hundreds of new characters; and a shallow character format; OP wasn't as great to me as the other ones. When compared to Naruto/Bleach, OP's art lacks perspective; storyline has too little gist to it, and the most enjoyment one can get out of the series is the various fight scenes (which contributes to the sales, since a good chunk of Japanese people who would buy the series are A) young children who value action over plot and B) longtime fans of the series. As a the source of this claim; I'm Japanese, lived there; went to school there, and understand why OP sells the most.

to everyone who wishes me death; please understand it's only my opinion.
to @OnlineAlwayscokacola yes, Bleach does follow a standard Jump cyclical storyline, but the art is great and Tite Kubo does pose some good philosophical questions. Also, I think your analysis of Naruto is a little too flat; Naruto evolves quite a lot, along with Sasuke, Kakashi, and almost all the main characters. Unlike what you said, Naruto is not looking for the strongest possible jutsu, in fact he sticks to his primary moves (Ransengan, Shadow Clones, etc) for almost the entire series. The story goes into a lot of what it means to be a leader (Hokage or ruler of the world), adding to the storyline of overcoming the past to seize a brighter future[/quote]

Welllllll I think they always are 1 step closer from closer to finding one piece every arc like Sabody and Marine Ford when Rayleigh decided to help luffy get stronger and when whitebeard died and they did explain how they can't just go to Raftel just sailing there. Unless they had a log pose pointing there to get to Raftel you need to log every island that my take from hours to year.(explained in the alabasta saga) and every island they pass just means their one step closer to one piece. Oda already has the final arc prepared so he already knew how it was going to pan out from the beginning of when Luffy gets the mugiwara to now in dressrosa. It's not really like generic as in the hero always wins and it's never a landslide victory the strawhats have to use all their strength and sometimes they even lose.. Sometimes without even a fight(ice admiral/Kuma/Marineford) but again I'm not a one piece pro or anything I'm just a one piece lover haha

Reply March 4, 2014 - edited

whoa; hard core OP fans found. It's only my opinion, but 1, OP's art lacks sophistication. Too many characters had the same outline (all the 'regular' women had the same body structure for example) and too many times in the manga do I get lost at what they're doing. Take the arc at the mad scientist's lab for example; more than seven chapters were spent on running around (approximately) 1000 meters. Providing a map did not help; so many characters, so much was going on, that made this manga hard to understand. 2, story follows the really stereotypical Jump manga storyboard. OP's story has not progressed in terms of finding the OP (main goal) but has demonstrated itself as just a tournament-style manga (Dragon Ball Z, Reborn as premier examples) where every new island has a new set of opponents, allies, and final boss. Furthermore; similar to DBZ and Reborn, character development is nearly non-existent; when comparing Luffy, Zoro, and any of the characters now to their earlier stages; there's barely any evolution. Without a final destination anywhere in sight, the perpetual introduction of hundreds of new characters; and a shallow character format; OP wasn't as great to me as the other ones. When compared to Naruto/Bleach, OP's art lacks perspective; storyline has too little gist to it, and the most enjoyment one can get out of the series is the various fight scenes (which contributes to the sales, since a good chunk of Japanese people who would buy the series are A) young children who value action over plot and B) longtime fans of the series. As a the source of this claim; I'm Japanese, lived there; went to school there, and understand why OP sells the most.

to everyone who wishes me death; please understand it's only my opinion.
to @OnlineAlwayscokacola yes, Bleach does follow a standard Jump cyclical storyline, but the art is great and Tite Kubo does pose some good philosophical questions. Also, I think your analysis of Naruto is a little too flat; Naruto evolves quite a lot, along with Sasuke, Kakashi, and almost all the main characters. Unlike what you said, Naruto is not looking for the strongest possible jutsu, in fact he sticks to his primary moves (Ransengan, Shadow Clones, etc) for almost the entire series. The story goes into a lot of what it means to be a leader (Hokage or ruler of the world), adding to the storyline of overcoming the past to seize a brighter future

Reply March 3, 2014 - edited

[quote=weredoggy]One Piece is too messy in terms of story and art; even though I read it for a long time, it was second-tier compared to the other manga, like FMA, Naruto, Bleach (recently it's meh), and Gintama[/quote]

That's because one piece is a long long long manga, things happening now might will be relevant over 300 episodes for all you know, it took around 500 episodes to see who doflamingo really is, and what is power reallly was.

Naruto and bleach are really really messy, no character development, no plot really... naruto is more or less about a guy who loves his friend so much he wants to force him to come back even though he doesn't want to, and on the road to get there he learns the ''strongest'' possible justu which turns about to have around 10 more stage's somehow no one's ever heard off until he develops them.

and bleach is always the same, though enemy, ichigo gets easily beaten, then trains, gets beaten again, then trains again and then super easily beats the enemy.

Reply March 3, 2014 - edited

[quote=weredoggy]One Piece is too messy in terms of story and art; even though I read it for a long time, it was second-tier compared to the other manga, like FMA, Naruto, Bleach (recently it's meh), and Gintama[/quote]

whats messy about it? o-o explain to me its not messy they just show characters and scenes that will be relevant later on the story like ace in alabasta with the vivre card. Sabo in Luffy's past. even Lola, she gave them a "vivre card of her mother" saying she'll be helpful later on "hint hint" on Big mama the Yonko. shank's hat.. Everything will eventually be put in it's places its not messy its just showing hints on what will happen later on. the story is amazing!
naruto and bleach is everywhere FMA:B is one of my favorite animes and SnK but for one piece, there is a good reason why its #1 selling manga 5 million more then SnK in Japan for years now and years to come haha
I would love to hear your arguement tho! i think you can provide things that might contradict what i've said

Reply March 3, 2014 - edited

One Piece is too messy in terms of story and art; even though I read it for a long time, it was second-tier compared to the other manga, like FMA, Naruto, Bleach (recently it's meh), and Gintama

Reply March 3, 2014 - edited

i like one piece alot,

Favorite ark will probably be dressrosa ( finished arc either the war or arabasta ).
i also like that everything kinda stays the same, ( not as in naruto where in the first 100 episodes rasengan was the ''strongest jutsu'', and after another 100 he can do a super planetary 1000 x rasengan barricade with no troubles at all ).
I mean Haki was first shown in the first episode with shanks, and not too long ago did we learn everything about it.

I really like oda's writing style and his characters.

Reply March 3, 2014 - edited

Captain Usopp!

Reply March 3, 2014 - edited

i'm so excited to hear a back story on jewlery bonney you dont even understand

Reply March 3, 2014 - edited

@Spiderexe: bleach and naruto are pretty bad.. Now they started off great but nothing compared to one piece.. One piece started strong and only got better and better haha dragon ball is great tho

Reply March 3, 2014 - edited

[quote=Spiderexe]I watched 20 episode for some reason I can't watch any more episodes >.<
Good show so far[/quote]

One piece is a life style you'll get really into it around 200-300 if not you can always read the manga!

Reply March 3, 2014 - edited