

Kalifornia Prop 37 Mandatory Labeling of gmo Foods

Don't mind me, just posting the most badarse initiative that will probably be passed in Kali soon.,_Mandatory_Labeling_of_Genetically_Engineered_Food_%282012%29

inbefor food labeling is BAD.

also, that prop 36 man

September 6, 2012

2 Comments • Newest first


On facebook, the pro 37 camp has 38k likes. the no on 37 camp has 447.

I read an article that compared this initiative to prop 65 warning labels. They tried to argue that it's useless gov't labeling like prop 37. I guess when you live the golden state of Kali, where cars and three-lane-arterials are the only way, it's hard to understand a warning at gas station telling you gasoline and smog are harmful to you.

Reply September 7, 2012

The only people saying labeling food with what's in it is bad are the agrobusiness hacks who are paid big bucks to confuse people into voting against something that's actually good for them. Knowing what's in your food isn't bad for you.

Reply September 6, 2012