

Best bosser and mobber

Hey guys. When comparing NL and shad, which one is best for bossing and mobbing with around 30b funding?

I know this question is asked alot but I could'nt find any propper answer.

September 7, 2014

9 Comments • Newest first


Thanks alot for your input everyone!

I'll make a NL as a second char, but when it comes to maining, I'll stick with my shad untill the revamp arives.

Reply September 8, 2014

Just my opinion but NL's have Shad's beat in most things currently. Showdown is just too good, that +% drop/exp and add that to mark of assassin or whatever and everything's dead. For bossing 1v1 NL>Shad currently but when Shad's get their revamp that might change.

Reply September 8, 2014

NLs really have come far from being just ok in bossing and completely crap in mobbing, to being awesome in both. Some bosses a NL will be easier to handle but likewise same for shads. In terms of training the NL will be better especially with the 40% extra exp.

Reply September 8, 2014

Depends on the boss and where the mobbing is. Bossing in say dojo or gollux, NL has shadower beat atm, once the KMS buff comes in, we'll see what happens! but when it comes to cRA and most bosses shads completely destroy (assassinate is just OP). When it comes to mobbing, from what i've seen, shads beat NL 9/10 times... I've never had a NL ,with a similar range to my own, out kill me at SH or HoH. You have to consider that shads have sudden raid, dark flare, shadow veil which can do multiple platforms for a pretty decent amount of time and with a small cooldown, and other skills. PM if you have any more questions~

Reply September 8, 2014

I believe Shadowers were buffed in KMS if that affects your choice.

Reply September 7, 2014

I think it would be NL for mobbing. Showdown's pretty naice in general and at HoH you can use the 8 sec cooldown ulti to hit the above platform.

Reply September 7, 2014

[quote=Lecarde]That really comes down to how well you spend your money, and how lucky cubing goes if you cube your own equips[/quote]

Let's say with 150% LUK and 500 atk (400 for NL) then? Or equal funding in general, who would kill bosses faster and train easier at muliple platform maps like SH?

Reply September 7, 2014

That really comes down to how well you spend your money, and how lucky cubing goes if you cube your own equips

Reply September 7, 2014

30b? idk. theres a video of a well funded shadower on basilmarket, who soloed chaos prierre in like a minute...

Reply September 7, 2014