


Best possible set combinations As you all know OrangeMushroom has released information reguarding the new lvl 200 set. I am wondering what will be the new best set combinations will be? Some have told me going Tyrants + CRA is still the best bet. There are some people, myself included who are planning to go 4 set of SW(Hat,gloves,boots,cape transposed from tyrants) Cra Top/Bot, and the lvl 200 Wep/Shoulder effect. If there is any other set combinations that are effective please list it down below. Also if anyone has taken the time to calculate all the stats and everything reguarding set effects, please leave it below as well.

General Thief

Shadower and DB Post V I have a few questions. It is known that a capping DB is stronger than a Shad using Nate, while a capping Shad using MC blows any class. With now the fifth job removing damage cap, will Shad destroy DB's using Nate plus ME or be near their damage output? Shad's also their ME which can be casted without delay to add more dps as well. With equal funding, who would win? Would a higher ranged DB still put out more DPS than a higher ranged Shad post fifth job? I know this is hard to calculate but please put any info and stats you know below. Thanks!