


Stuck During Aliens Quest Ok, so I started the Aliens quest, and basically the cut scene starts, but the Aliens don't jump out. My character just walks to the end of the map, and it stops. The issue is, that when I relog, the cut scene immediately starts. When my character reaches the end of the map, I can't move, the bars are still there. I can't access my inventory, I can't do anything. Has this happened to anyone? I have like 3b worth of stuff on this character and I really don't know what to do.


MapleStory Skills Should Have More Unique Effects The main problem that I see with Maple is the lack of strategy. Perhaps you could argue that strategy doesn't belong in such a game, but I think most people would like it better with more of a sense of strategy. Instead of designing classes with one useful mob skill, one useful boss skill, MW, one useless AoE, one passive buff, one active buff, and then a useless mob skill, give classes skills that you can combo with (sorta like b-step), skills with elemental damage that can be useful on different types of monsters, etc. Maybe certain monsters would be more susceptible to critical hits, so use a skill with stronger critical damage, you know things like that. Of course, this is just very basi

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