

A hopeless fool

Hey guys. So my girlfriend of three years cheated on me recently and told me that we should stop seeing each other. For the past week I've been acting like it was nothing, but I can't take it anymore and it's just so painful. I have no actual friends or anyone to seriously talk to. I've been dating her since high school and because I was dating her I lost a lot of close friends. I am now 19, a sophomore in college with no one to talk to. It hurts so much to see her with someone else. It's like everything we ever were was just a lie. In addition to this I have been suffering from depression for a few years now. So the dark thoughts seem to just flow in. I don't have the confidence to go out and make friends because of how I grew up. I feel like everything is just falling apart. I feel like my life has no direction and no future. I used to tell myself it doesn't matter what happens you are going to die anyway. Now it really feels like I am dying. I've experienced heartbreak before, but it wasn't as painful as this. All my pent up feeling are sinking in now and I feel like can't breathe. I know I am not suppose to live with regrets, but I can't help regretting everyday of my life. I am human so I do make mistakes, but I've never done anything to seriously hurt her. I just don't understand how she could betray me so easily. After all the promises and all the good times we had. I don't know what to do. How am I suppose to stay strong after this. I feel so broken.

September 19, 2016

11 Comments • Newest first


You don't need that thot in your life, the fact that she cheated on you tells you that you are better than her. I reckon the only thing that can really help you is family and getting yourself out there.
Family is always out there and just spending a few days with them really helps and may stop you from feeling like you are alone. I got a job at my local rec center coaching basketball, met lots of wonderful people who I can call life time friends, and also met some cute girls. Keep your head up, its not the end of the world.

Reply September 22, 2016

fam it be lit as af keep it 100 though or else no one else will want to join af

Reply September 22, 2016

@upcomingnerd: Easier said than done. The majority of people is too --ignorant/naive/closed-minded/uneducated/"stupid" to figure out what makes them happy. Humans are great at adapting, but horrible at dealing with change. Sometimes to be happy you have to change A LOT, many think they're happier NOT going through the phase of adapting to change.
Concept is simple, execution not so much.

Reply September 22, 2016

@nashi: All people have to do, is whatever makes them happy.

@fradddd Maybe over time he stopped trying as much. Became boring. He has no friends, which means all they did was chill together. Sounds boring af to me.

@op you'll get over it.

Reply September 22, 2016

Damn man that sucks.
Not sure what kinda music you're into but this playlist has helped me with...things.
@upcomingnerd yeah he was so boring that they dated for 3 years?

Reply September 21, 2016

you're merely 19, wait until your mid to late 20's first. It will get so much better. Teen relationships easily break and you can't really expet to find the love of your life around that age. It could be you simply weren't compatible, nothing wrong with that. Doesn't make you a bad or worthless person, it just means you two aren't meant to be.

Why did you lose your friends while with her? Were you controlling or did you ignore them for her? Could you possibly contact the friends you used to have to see if you can reconnect?

Getting over a break up will take a while but you'll get there. I dealt with 4 break ups in total (3 done by me, 1 by my partner) and I lived through it. Found the love of my life and have been with him for 7 years now.

Life doesn't end here, and especially at 19 your life has merely begun!

@upcomingnerd: Doesn't matter if he was boring. She should have broken up with him instead of cheating. If you're at the point where you're ready to spread your legs for another person you gotta be a decent human being and end it right there, sheesh. OP is only 19, if he did do mistakes he'll figure it out through future relationships.

Reply September 21, 2016

@duzz: Or maybe he was a boring bf. Women don't usually cheat for no reason, unless they meet me LEL jk.

Reply September 20, 2016

She is a PoS.

Reply September 20, 2016

It's going to be tough, just keep pushing. Find a hobby you really like where you'll interact with other people. I.e. Biking (many disciplines, Dirt jumping & BMX are the friendliest ones), skating, disc golf, get a dog and take it to the dog park, a crippling heroin addiction, go to sporting events, join a casual beer league sport, club at your school, etc.

Reply September 19, 2016

You need to realize you didn't do anything wrong; what she did was indeed a selfish thing. But you're stronger than that even though it may seem like life totally sucks right now...think of it as a challenge. Just get back up and put yourself out there. Understandable that you'll need time to figure things out but it will all fall into place eventually no one expects you to be your strongest at the moment so I think pampering yourself should come 1st above all else...whenever you feel ready you'll know best of luck!

Reply September 19, 2016

It's time to get off your butt and go out and meet new ladies. Bring a guy friend for a wingman, I'm pretty sure you know at least 1 guy. Simply walk up to some girl and compliment something like her shoes and take it from there.

Reply September 19, 2016