League is so hard

Anyone else agree?
I am Diamond V player nothing to brag about, but the game isn't hard, but playing the game is hard.
Every single champion that used to be fun is butchered down, now you are left with all the boring champions
Kha Zix (Still good requires good ganks)

I play a lot of voli, and my win rate is 66% with him, it is getting to the point the best champion gets boring.
The Meta is so strong, that if you play another champion you would lose
Rip to those champions i mentioned, they prob won't be played ever again

May 17, 2015

18 Comments • Newest first


@Xiscis: I did read it, what I interpreted was that you couldn't handle that a few of your favorite champions got nerfed, and so you're butthurt that you can't win with them anymore, when in reality, it's not the game's problem but your's.

Reply May 18, 2015

[quote=Xiscis]It is not hard, it is hard to have a bigger champion pool
The game rn is so influenced by the LCS and the on going meta is so strong that it would take a while to change it
No matter how good you're with ONE champ, there is always a player who sucks with the champion but beats you because that champ is stronger and more OP[/quote]

Pretty sure that's just cause you suck at that champ then. If you're good with one champ it won't matter who's OP at the moment. That just means you haven't mastered anyone and you blame something that happens every season instead of trying to get better and fix your own mistakes.

Reply May 18, 2015

Play games to RELIEVE stress, not generate more...
youre all doing it wrong.
no ppint playing "competitively" if you wont ever see prize pools to make it worth stressing over.

Reply May 17, 2015

[quote=VacaJazz]League is easy af. Just try Dota2 3x as hard bro. so many more mechanics that would amke you go crazy[/quote]

It is not hard, it is hard to have a bigger champion pool
The game rn is so influenced by the LCS and the on going meta is so strong that it would take a while to change it
No matter how good you're with ONE champ, there is always a player who sucks with the champion but beats you because that champ is stronger and more OP

Reply May 17, 2015

League is easy af. Just try Dota2 3x as hard bro. so many more mechanics that would amke you go crazy

Reply May 17, 2015

[quote=LiliKoby]"I'm mediocre at the game, thus the game sucks"
IMO, everyone who isn't at least Diamond II sucks at league
Not saying you can't have fun if you aren't Diamond II but OP you just sound like a whiny lil byitch[/quote]

Did you finish reading?
Did you just read 1st sentence and went straight into the comment section?
I have the rights to whine about it.
And it isn't even whiny that is something we can't control on how strong the champions are.
Yeah i am pretty sure you didn't read it you retard

Reply May 17, 2015

"I'm mediocre at the game, thus the game sucks"
IMO, everyone who isn't at least Diamond II sucks at league
Not saying you can't have fun if you aren't Diamond II but OP you just sound like a whiny lil byitch

Reply May 17, 2015 - edited

[quote=misslime]no, what determines whether a champion is good or not is whether or not the champion is good or not
there's a difference between popularity and viability; for instance, diana has been a really good champion since the start of this season but i haven't seen a lot of her jungle or mid, even though she's probably one of the better assassins in the game right now

also the league community is really bandwagon-y on talking about champion viability; riot could add a change like "Zed now has 10 less base damage on his Q on level 1" and people would probably say he got gutted and will never be viable again after nerfs[/quote]

I blame it on the LCS.
Everyone time someone picks a champ in LCS it gets nerfed.
People mimic the pros too much.
I picked Lux in my promos to Diamond V and it was quite easy.
Her burst is very strong, but she is not good champion.
There is no such thing as popularity.
People play sion because he is popular but he sucks.
Lux sucks too, high burst no escapes.
riots needs to balance champions properly.
Only champion that is balanced IMO, is Twisted Fate

Reply May 17, 2015 - edited

[quote=Xiscis]All you saying is
Very OP
And the Chinese and Korea
We are US, a Majority in the NA server, if the Majority of us deem the champion not good, than it isn't good if MAJORITY of us thinks something is bad, it is bad.
if it wasn't bad than a MAJORITY of us won't say so.
We are talking as a WHOLE.
And i am not just talking about me, Statistic proves it. And Ap fizz isn't back lol check his %
fizz 43% Akali 41%[/quote]

no, what determines whether a champion is good or not is whether or not the champion is good or not
there's a difference between popularity and viability; for instance, diana has been a really good champion since the start of this season but i haven't seen a lot of her jungle or mid, even though she's probably one of the better assassins in the game right now

also the league community is really bandwagon-y on talking about champion viability; riot could add a change like "Zed now has 10 less base damage on his Q on level 1" and people would probably say he got gutted and will never be viable again after nerfs

Reply May 17, 2015 - edited

soloq stress takes away 10 years of a persons life

Reply May 17, 2015 - edited

>We are US a majority

Now I know you're trolling.

Korea, China. and Europe are all bigger than us in population. Not only that but all three regions performed better than us in the last international tourney.

Fizz winrate midlane is currently 50% proof: http://champion.gg/champion/Fizz/Middle

Akali winrate : 47%

And Akali was gutted intentionally.

Reply May 17, 2015 - edited

[quote=TheMagi]>Kassadin is a laughing stock

Yet Kassadin is a power pick in competitive play in China and Korea...

AP Fizz is back after the changes a couple patches ago and Ludens

Riven is OP as hell in soloq

Leblanc is OP as hell

This meta is obnoxious filled with no skill tanks and tanky DPS but the champions you say are butchered and no longer fun are for the most part strong in competitive, soloq, or both.[/quote]

All you saying is
Very OP
And the Chinese and Korea
We are US, a Majority in the NA server, if the Majority of us deem the champion not good, than it isn't good if MAJORITY of us thinks something is bad, it is bad.
if it wasn't bad than a MAJORITY of us won't say so.
We are talking as a WHOLE.
And i am not just talking about me, Statistic proves it. And Ap fizz isn't back lol check his %
fizz 43% Akali 41%

Reply May 17, 2015 - edited

Also thank god Akali got gutted. That champion was the epitome of brainless and wayyyy tooo strong in soloq. Even in Dia1+ Akali in her prime became pick or ban or lose

Reply May 17, 2015 - edited

[quote=Xiscis]Those i listed, were the ones that USED to be fun and cool
now they are butchered.
Especially Kassadin really dude? Really?
Kassadin is a luaghing stock so is Talon[/quote]

riven is still perfectly viable, jayce isnt at the level of popularity he was before but he wasn't even significantly nerfed people just stopped playing him, talon is still fine mid if you know how to play him & same for fizz and leblanc
like, picking champions that are above-average in power to win is fine, but you can't do that and then complain about how there's no diversity or whatever this thread is about

also veigar was never even fun on the first place and i mained him before dfg removal

Reply May 17, 2015 - edited

>Kassadin is a laughing stock

Yet Kassadin is a power pick in competitive play in China and Korea...

AP Fizz is back after the changes a couple patches ago and Ludens

Riven is OP as hell in soloq

Leblanc is OP as hell

This meta is obnoxious filled with no skill tanks and tanky DPS but the champions you say are butchered and no longer fun are for the most part strong in competitive, soloq, or both.

Reply May 17, 2015 - edited

[quote=misslime]"i only consider champions fun if they're the top picks on their lane, otherwise they're butchered and bad"
i'm not sure if you were listing champions who are boring and meta picks right now or if you were listing champions who were fun and got butchered, but there's still a lot of fun champions you can play and do well with even if they're not super-strong metapicks like mumu or seju or thresh[/quote]

Those i listed, were the ones that USED to be fun and cool
now they are butchered.
Especially Kassadin really dude? Really?
Kassadin is a luaghing stock so is Talon

Reply May 17, 2015 - edited

"i only consider champions fun if they're the top picks on their lane, otherwise they're butchered and bad"
i'm not sure if you were listing champions who are boring and meta picks right now or if you were listing champions who were fun and got butchered, but there's still a lot of fun champions you can play and do well with even if they're not super-strong metapicks like mumu or seju or thresh

Reply May 17, 2015 - edited