

Breakfast routine

Hey guys,

Just curious does any of you guys eat breakfast on daily basis before school, work, or when having a free day- such as weekends?
Do you guys cook it yourself or does others cook it for you? (Parents, brothers, sisters, a gfbf, etc.)
If so what is it usually?

I personally, been to lazy past couple of months so usually I just get ready then head to a coffee house near by and just get something random every time depending on mood plus a cup of coffee.

How bout you ?

October 2, 2013

12 Comments • Newest first


Nutri-gain and a glass of Oj
nothing can beat it

Reply October 2, 2013

Spinach, jalepeno, onion, bacon, and feta cheese omelette with a glass of black coffee on the weekends or when I have time.

On a normal day, I'll either make some spam real quick or meet up at the coffee shop in the SU for an iced black Americano.

Reply October 2, 2013 - edited

I either have Ramen noodles or Cocoa Puffs usually, my parents make it for me, and I eat breakfast every day.

Reply October 2, 2013 - edited

Usually oatmeal with cinnamon (Might add granola or some milk.), and green tea.
Now and then I'll eat a bagel instead.

Reply October 2, 2013 - edited

i eat breakfast if I have class in the morning. if so, then I get eggs/bacon/potatoes and a bagel at my school's dining hall with a cup of coffee and water.

Reply October 2, 2013 - edited

Cup of coffee or tea and a sweet pastry thing. I used to do plain yogurt + fruit, granola, and honey, but I got tired of chopping fruit.

Reply October 2, 2013 - edited

Sometimes I make food the night before, like tomato+ketchup fried rice and when I wake up I microwave it and tightly package it in a small thermal that I warm up with boiling water (ofc).
I eat half of it either before class or during but not on purpose, I just stay full until like 3 pm or during another class.
I have time to make myself a cup of coffee or tea and I have a cup for that too.

I have these weird organic cliff bars for kids and I'm trying to finish them but they are way too sweet and i don't have anyone that will take it.

Reply October 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=JazzyKitteh]I eat a bowl of cereal garnished with two pieces of strawberries, bowl of fruits, glass of milk, and a glass of orange juice every morning. Oh dont forget the muffin![/quote]

fancy pants

Weekdays : Toast with butter and a glass of warm milk
Weekends: Brunch cause i wake up at 12

Reply October 2, 2013 - edited

i don't eat breakfast.

Reply October 2, 2013 - edited

I do everyday before I work. I stop at McDolan's and pick up 2 breakfast burritos and a large drink. Lol

Reply October 2, 2013 - edited

Mum makes brekkie everyday for me eggs 5eva

Reply October 2, 2013 - edited

Breakfast is literally the most important meal of the day, so I always try to even if it's something small just to get the day going. Usually my mom cooks something before she leaves for work and I just plate it and grab a bite, otherwise I make it myself. Toast, scrambled eggs, cucumbers.

Reply October 2, 2013 - edited